//export fileroot="OITOfficialDocument"; asciidoc -a toc -a numbered ${fileroot}.txt; OIT Software Distribution Store - Official Document =================================================== by Anthony Vuong v1.00, May 23rd, 2011 Introduction ------------ *OIT* has developed an online mechanism to automate purchasing proprietary software with an _Account and Fund number_. This online mechanism is a online store with typical features that can be found in Amazon, Newegg, etc. Our store is called the *OIT Software Distribution Store*. To save time and cost of developing an online store from scratch, we used a _Open Source e-Commerce Software_ called *Prestashop*. By installing *Prestashop* and using it as our basis, most of the basic and general features of an online store will be automatically implemented. Did I forget to mention that *Prestashop* is currently the *No.1* _Open Source Software_ used in France and Europe? + How It Works ------------ The main focus of this project is the implementation of an *Account and Fund number payment*. Upon checkout of the online store, UCI users will be able to select a registered project(which has an Account and Fund number) to pay with. Afterwards, they can download the purchased software. This is achieved by processing a *Project Registration Form* in which the user will need to input the following information: + Account and Fund Number ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The user will need to provide a *Account and Fund number*. If the user does not have an Account and Fund number, then he/she can select to input another person's Account and Fund number(with permission). + For example, if a graduate student needed to purchase some software for his/her Professor, they can input their _Professor's Account and Fund number_ + Project Identifier ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The user will need to provide a *Project Identifier/Name*. It is simply a name for the project. + For example, if a graduate student needed to buy *MATLAB* for a group of hosts, he/she should name it something similar to *UsersMatLabGroup2011*. + Optional Hostgroups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the user is buying any networked license for a group of hosts, he/she must provide their *IP Addresses*. After a successful purchase, the store can automatically append the IP Addresses into the _Software License Server_. Departmental Bookkeeper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The user must provide a *Departmental Bookkeeper* to report the purchase to. Departmental Bookkeepers will be notified of the purchase via email. + Once the user has completed a _Project Registration form_, they can *select* that _registered project_ to complete their purchase. An example of how this is done is provided in our http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/OITSWDistribution/OITSWUserGuide.html[user guide]. + Current Features ---------------- Aside from the general online store features(checking out, adding to cart, etc.), the following *unique features* have been implemented: + WebAuth Login ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Users will login with their *UCINetID*. The user does not have to provide any personal information since user information is obtained through *LDAP*. + Account and Fund Number Payment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Users will be able to purchase proprietary software with a *Account and Fund number*. + Excel Spreadsheet Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Departmental Bookkeepers can download a *importable spreadsheet text file* which contains every Account and Fund transaction found within the OIT Software Distribution Store. + Email Invoices to Departmental Bookkeeper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After purchasing with a Account and Fund number, the reported Departmental Bookkeeper will be sent an email with an attached PDF file. The PDF file contains an invoice for that specific order. + Constraints ----------- The current constraints of our system is an *Account and Fund Validation* feature. Due to the lack of information access, we are currently trusting users to input a valid Account and Fund number. + Future Implementation --------------------- A desired future feature we'd like to implement is a *automatic licensing process*. This feature simply modifies a license text file by appending IP addresses and a Project Name. + Other Documentation ------------------- Here are our other documentations: + http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/OITSWDistribution/OITSWReqDoc.html[Requirements Documentation] + http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/OITSWDistribution/OITSWTechDoc.html[Technical Documentation] + http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/OITSWDistribution/OITSWUserGuide.html[User Guide] + http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/OITSWDistribution/OITSWBkTools.html[Bookkeeper Tools] +