Linux Tutorial - Part1 ====================== by Harry Mangalam v1.12 - Oct 7th, 2013 :icons: // fileroot="/home/hjm/nacs/Linux_Tutorial_1"; asciidoc -a icons -a toc2 -b html5 -a numbered ${fileroot}.txt; scp ${fileroot}.html ${fileroot}.txt moo:~/public_html/biolinux; ssh -t moo 'scp ~/public_html/biolinux/Linux_Tutorial_1.[ht]*' // # have to copy from moo to hpc // == Introduction This is presented as a continuous document rather than slides since you're going to be going thru it serially and it's often easier to find things and move around with an HTML doc. .Mouseable commands [NOTE] ==================================================================== The commands presented in the lightly shaded boxes are meant to be 'moused' into the bash shell to be executed verbatim. If they don't work, it's most likely that you've skipped a bit and/or haven't cd'ed to the right place.[Try to figure out why the error occurred], but don't spend more than a couple minutes on it. Wave one of us down to help. ==================================================================== == Logging In === ssh We have to connect to HPC with ssh or some version of it so let's try the basic ssh. If you're on a Mac laptop, open the Terminal App (or the better, free[iTerm] (and type: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ssh -Y # enter YourUCINETID password in response to the prompt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you're using Windows and putty, type '' into the *Host Name (or IP Address)* pane. Once you connect, you can save the configuration and click it the next time. === x2go You should have installed the[x2goclient software]. If you haven't, please try to install it now, using this screenshot as a guide, replacing 'hmangala' with your UCINETID. image:x2goclient.png[x2go client] If you have added your public ssh key to your HPC account[as described here], you can click the line: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [x] Try auto login (ssh-agent or default ssh key) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you haven't set up passwordless ssh, *UNclick* it and use your UCINETID password in the password challenge box. Change the 'Session type' to that shown: 'Single Application' with the terminal application *gnome-terminal* ('/usr/bin/gnome-terminal'). When you configure it like this, only a terminal will pop up and then you can use it as a terminal as well as to launch graphical applications from it. (Previously, I suggested using 'terminator'; DON'T use 'terminator' - it doesn't handle line-editing well.) We no longer allow full Desktops on the HPC login node since they quickly take up too many resources. You can start other specific applications (such as SAS or SPSS) by changing the session configuration. .x2go for Mac requires XQuartz. [NOTE] =========================================================================== Recent OSX releases do not include X11 compatibility software, now called[XQuartz] (still free). If you have not done so already, please download and install it. The x2go software will not work without it. We have had problems with the 4.0 x2go release; please use the ** release linked above. To get it working correctly with XQuartz, please start XQuartz first, THEN start x2go. =========================================================================== == Make your prompt useful The bash shell prompt is, as almost everything in Linux, endlessly customizable. At the very least, it should tell you what time it is, what host you've logged into, and which dir you're in. Just paste this into a shell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PS1="\n\t \u@\h:\w\n\! \$ " # if you want to get really fancy, you can try this for a multicolored # one that also shows the load on the system: PS1="\n\[\033[01;34m\]\d \t \[\033[00;33m\][\$(cat /proc/loadavg | cut -f1,2,3 -d' ')] \ \[\033[01;32m\]\u@\[\033[01;31m\]\h:\[\033[01;35m\]\w\n\! \$ \[\033[00m\]" # that one will show up OK on most background, but on some light colored ones might wash out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a reason for this. When you report a bug or problem to us, it's helpful to know when you submitted the command, how busy the system was, and where you were when you submitted it. Copying in that prompt lets us know (most of the time). OK - let's do something. == Getting files from the web === wget 'wget' will retrieve 'ftp' or 'http' URLs with a minimum of fuss, continuing a failed retrieval, creating a new name if a file already exists, and supporting a huge number of other options. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wget # now get it again. wget # what happened? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then uncompress it with gunzip. === gzip/gunzip, pigz The gzip family is probably the most popular de/compression utility on Linux. It will reduce the size of a sequence file to about 30% of the original. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- gzip somefile # will result in only the compressed file - somefile.gz gunzip nco-4.2.5.tar.gz # to DEcompress the file # or could use pigz for parallel de/compression on multi-core machines pigz -d nco-4.2.5.tar.gz # alternative mechanism for DEccompressing a file # time for this relatively small file won't make much difference, but for large multiGB files it will. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- === bunzip2 The other major de/compression tool on Linux is called bunzip2 and is slightly more efficient, and slightly slower than gzip. There are lots of compression utilities. Use Google to find the most appropriate one. === tar tar is (still) the default archive type for Linux/Unix. It creates a single file that contains everything that it's pointed to, which provides some packing efficiency, and especially when it is explicitly compressed, a tar file will take only 30-50% of the original storage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1st let's list what's in the tar file we decompressed: tar -tvf nco-4.2.5.tar # ^ # what happened? #now, lets extract it tar -xvf nco-4.2.5.tar # ^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- === tar shortcuts tar supports uncompressing while untarring, but we already uncompressed it, so 1st re-compress it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- gzip nco-4.2.5.tar --------------------------------------------------------------------------- then uncompress it and untar it in one go. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- tar -xzvf nco-4.2.5.tar.gz --------------------------------------------------------------------------- === curl does everything... Do everything in one line with curl. Curl downloads the given URL and dy default spits the whole thing to STDOUT, so this is a case where 'pipes' (|) are meant to be used. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- curl | tar -xzf - # tar's '-f' option means 'the following', and '-' typically means either STDOUT or STDIN, depending on context. So 'tar -xzf - ' means perform the tar magic on STDIN. # if we wanted to know WHAT was being extracted, we could use the 'v' option like this: curl | tar -xzvf - # ^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- === zip Zip comes from the PC world's pkzip. The format is now standardized and files zipped on PCs and Macs can be handled by the Linux zip/unzip. Because Windows users and utilities are more used to 'zip' archives, they are often used to punt data back and forth to Windows. Let's try to zip that nco directory with zip --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd zip nco_src nco-4.2.5 # how big is it? # how big is the gzipped version? # how do you tell? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Getting files from specific accounts === commandline scp (Mac, Linux) From your own laptop try to copy a file to HPC ----------------------------------------------------------------- scp TheFile ----------------------------------------------------------------- Did it appear to transfer? Where is it? Is it the right size? How do you tell? ----------------------------------------------------------------- wc file # tells you how many characters, words, and lines a file has. Useful for text. ls -l file # tells you how many bytes are in a file ls -lh file # tells you how big a file is in human-readable terms. md5sum file # tells you the md5 hash of a file (tests if the file you have is EXACTLY like another file). diff file1 file2 # tells you which lines differ and where (also meld, kompare) ----------------------------------------------------------------- === commandline rsync (Mac, Linux) Again, rsync is one of the most useful, efficient utilities for moving data that you'll find. There are GUI versions for all platforms, and every MacOSX and Linux distro comes with the commandline version. Let's copy the entire 'AnalysisDir' from your laptop to HPC (where 'AnalysisDir' is some dir that you choose). ----------------------------------------------------------------- rsync -av AnalysisDir ----------------------------------------------------------------- Now create a file in your LOCAL (laptop) 'AnalysisDir' ----------------------------------------------------------------- ls -lat > AnalysisDir/listing ----------------------------------------------------------------- Now re-rsync ----------------------------------------------------------------- rsync AnalysisDir ----------------------------------------------------------------- See what happens? === GUI versions (CyberDuck, WinSCP, Filezilla, etc) If you want, do the same thing with one of these GUI apps. === sshfs ----------------------------------------------------------------- # from your laptop cd mkdir hpc sshfs ~/hpc # enter password if prompted. Let us know if it doesn't work. Then... ls hpc # don't for get to UNmount it WHEN YOU'RE DONE with the session. fusermount -u ~/hpc ----------------------------------------------------------------- Once you've sshfs-mounted your HPC dir on your laptop, you can copy files back and forth, or edit them with your Mac editors (BUT ONLY IN TEXT FORMAT) to HPC as if it was on your laptop. You can also mount it the other way (mount your laptop to HPC) but often your laptop will have a DHCP address, so it may be trickier. If you want to try this, it's described in[more detail here] == Simple Commands === Commandline Editing *Remember:* - '↑' and '↓' arrows scroll thru your bash history - '←' and '→' cursor thru the current command - the 'Home, End, Insert', and 'Delete' keys should work as expected. - 'PgUp' and 'PgDn' often /don't/ work in the shell. - as you get comfortable with the commandline, some ppl like to keep their fingers on the keypad, so - '^' means 'Ctrl' - '^a' = Home (start of line) - '^e' = End (end of line) - '^u' = deletes from cursor to the start - '^k' = deletes from cursor to end of line - the '\^' key 'amplifies' some editing functions in the bash shell, so that '\^ ←' and '^ →' will move the cursor by a 'word' instead of by a 'char'. === Listing, viewing files & dirs ----------------------------------------------------------------- cd # start in your home dir # what do these do? Mouse them into your shell window one by one. ls ls -lt ls -lat ls -lS ls -lSh ls -lRh file * mc # pseudo GUI for viewing your directory and manipulating files # F10 to quit out of it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- .Don't forget about setting aliases. [NOTE] =========================================================================== Once you find yourself typing a longish command for the 20th time, you might want a shorter version of it. Remember 'aliases'? alias nu="ls -lt | head -22" # 'nu' list the 22 newest files in this dir =========================================================================== === Making and deleting & moving around directories ----------------------------------------------------------------- mkdir newdir cd newdir touch instafile ls -l # how big is that instafile? cd # go back to your $HOME dir ls nco-4.2.5 # you can list files by pointing at their parent cd nco-4.2.5 ls # see? no difference file * # what are all these files? du -sh * # how big are all these files and directories? ls -lh * # what different information do 'ls -lh' and 'du -sh' give you? less I # read the INSTALL file ('q' to quit, spacebar scrolls down, 'b' scrolls up, '/' searches) ----------------------------------------------------------------- == STDOUT, STDIN, STDERR, and Pipes === What ARE these thangs? STDIN - typically takes input from terminal STDOUT - typically prints to terminal STDERR - typically prints to terminal (this can be confusing..) BUT these input & output channels can be changed to make data dance in useful ways. 'ls' prints its output on STDOUT. 'less' can read either a file or STDIN. So.. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ls -lt |less # '|' is a pipe, connects the STDOUT of ls to the STDIN of less # what are you looking at? -------------------------------------------------------------------- === How to use pipes with programs Here's a simple example: -------------------------------------------------------------------- # What is the average size of the files in this directory? # remember # ls -lR will recursively list the long file listing, which contains the size in bytes # so ls -lR |scut -F=4 | stats # will tell you. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a last one from the lecture. Break it up into individual commands and pipe each one into 'less' to see what it produces, then insert the next command to see what it does -------------------------------------------------------------------- w |cut -f1 -d ' ' | sort | egrep -v "(^$|USER)" | uniq -c | wc w | less w |cut -f1 -d ' ' | less w |cut -f1 -d ' ' | sort | less w |cut -f1 -d ' ' | sort | egrep -v "(^$|USER)" | less w |cut -f1 -d ' ' | sort | egrep -v "(^$|USER)" | uniq -c | less -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipes allow you to mix and match output and input in various useful ways. Remember STDOUT/STDIN when you're designing your own programs so you can format the output and read the input in useful ways down the road. == Text files and how to modify them === Most of the files you will be dealing with are text files. Remember the output of the 'file' command: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 09 11:09:15 [1.13 1.43 1.53] hmangala@hpc:~/nco-4.2.5 566 $ file * acinclude.m4: ASCII M4 macro language pre-processor text aclocal.m4: Ruby module source text autobld: directory POSIX shell script text executable bin: directory bld: directory bm: directory ASCII C program text configure: POSIX shell script text executable ASCII English text, with very long lines ASCII English text, with very long lines COPYING: ASCII English text data: directory doc: directory INSTALL: ASCII English text m4: directory ASCII English text ASCII English text man: directory obj: directory qt: directory src: directory -------------------------------------------------------------------- Anything in that listing above that has 'ASCII' in it is text, also 'POSIX shell script text executable' is also a text file. Actually everything in it that isn't 'directory' is a text file of some kind, so you can read them with 'less' and they will all look like text. Text files are the default way of dealing with information on Linux. There are binary files (like '.bam' files or anything compressed (which a bam file is), or often, database files, and specialty data files such as netCDF or HDF5. You can create a text file easily by capturing the STDOUT of a command. In the example above, you could have captured the STDOUT at any stage by redirecting it to a file -------------------------------------------------------------------- ls -lR |scut -F=4 | stats # could have been structured (less efficiently) like this: ls -lR > ls.out scut -F=4 < ls.out > only.numbers cat only.numbers | stats # note that '<' takes the STDOUT of the file to the right and directs it to # the STDIN of the program to the left. # '>' redirects the STDOUT of the app to the left to the file on the right # while '|' pipes the STDOUT of the program on the left to the program on the right. # what's the diff between this line? cat only.numbers > stats # and this line: cat only.numbers | stats # Hmmmmm? -------------------------------------------------------------------- == bash variables The bash shell is also a programming environment. As such, it supports variables and all kinds of logic. A bash variable is essentially just a string assigned to a variable name: -------------------------------------------------------------------- MYNAME="type your name here" # verify that assignment by using 'echo' echo MYNAME # oops. Not what we want. The problem is that variables are assigned using their plain names # but are referenced with their '$' name echo $MYNAME # better. Sometimes because of the logic or embedding in a string, variables need to be 'super-quoted' # in this case, use this construct: ${VARNAME} or $(VARNAME). echo "MY name is: [${MYNAME}]" # it's often useful to place brackets around variables when printing them to detect # leading or lagging whitespace which may lead to oddities later. # This is useful for all languages. -------------------------------------------------------------------- A lot of sophisticated logic is exquisitely awful in bash (use Perl or Python), but the simple stuff can be VERY useful. For example... === Globbing in bash[Globbing] is not as disgusting as it sounds. It just a very simple way of grabbing all the files that have a common pattern. It's among the simplest form of[regular expression]. A structure that you'll probaby use repeatedly is to do something over all files that have a common pattern in their names. -------------------------------------------------------------------- for THISFILE in May_4*.txt; do grep ERR $THISFILE > May.ERRs # note output is not May_4.ERRs - what would happen if it was? done -------------------------------------------------------------------- === Iteration in bash Or if you have a series of files of results files that are 'something_Jan_1_2013' thru 'something_Jan_22_2013' and you wanted to process only 01-14.. -------------------------------------------------------------------- for NMBR in $(seq 01 14); do echo "Processing: something_Jan_${NMBR}_2013" done # What about if it the file format was 'something_Jan_01_2013' # (ie the '01' was always 2 chars wide) # 'seq' can tke a format specifier to pad numbers for NMBR in $(seq -f "%02g" 1 14); do echo "Processing something_Jan_${NMBR}_2013" done # play around with the formatting to see what you can do. -------------------------------------------------------------------- .bash variables can be made of just about any command output [NOTE] =========================================================================== In the above example, a bash variable was created out of the output of a command: -------------------------------------------------------------------- $(seq -f "%02g" 1 14) -------------------------------------------------------------------- paste this; -------------------------------------------------------------------- seq -f "%02g" 1 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------- into a shell to see the result This is one of the advantages of bash - you can 'embed' the output of any command in a single bash variable and then process it as a list. Careful of what you wish for tho... =========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- # You can also do the above in one line, inserting ';' between commands if nec for ITER in $(seq -f "%03g" 1 14); do echo A64HOST=a64-${ITER}; done # ^ ^ ^ # Typically don't need ';' at end of lines. The EOL indicates the end of a statement. # sometimes you DO need to continue a long line over multiple lines. You do this with a '\' # which has to be the last character on the line (no following spaces or tabs) for NMBR in $(seq -f "%02g" 1 14); do echo "This is a long line demonstrating that sometimes loquacious documentation \ requires continuation on a longer line to note that Processing something_Jan_${NMBR}_2013" done -------------------------------------------------------------------- == Regular Expressions and grep A regular expression if simply a formal way of expressing a pattern. Since a lot of you may be searching for patterns in proteins and nucleic acids, it's certainly worth your time to learn a bit about regexs. When we were talking about globbing, "\*" meant 'and anything'. In a regex, it usually has the same meaning as well. So 'cat\*' would match 'cat', 'catastrophe', 'catabolism', 'catmandu', etc. The most frequently used regex operators (used in grep) are: - * means 'and anything' - . means 'any single character' - [abcd] means 'any of [a or b or c or d]; [^abcd] matches any character NOT 'a,b,c or d' - [abcd]{3,5} means means 'any of [a or b or c or d] , but 3-5 times (abdda), but not (abdeda) - [a-e] means all the chars between a and e inclusive (abcde) - '(this|that)' means the regex has to match 'this' or 'that' - ^ means the beginning of a line - $ means the end of a line - \s+ means whitespace (any combination of spaces & tabs) - some characters (most of the non-alphanumerics) need to be escaped (preceded with a backspace) to be found as a literal. If you're searching for a literal asterix (\*), it needs to be searched for as "\*" So let's search for some regexes in sequences. First get some generic sequence. -------------------------------------------------------------------- wget less hlef.seq # to see what it is. OK, it's a simple fasta format; all sequence in CAPS # now search for all instances of aacgtcggatcg grep -i aacgtc hlef.seq # use grep for straight patterns, egrep for 'extended regexes' egrep -i 'a{2,3}[ga][ac]a{4,7}[at]{3,6}' hlef.seq # need the quotes. # ^^ to tell it to ignore case read the grep man page for the entire set. -------------------------------------------------------------------- .There is an app called 'tacg' that does this much better for nucleic acids. [NOTE] ===================================================================== module load tacg/4.6.0 + 'tacg -h' + or + 'man tacg' + to find out more about it. ===================================================================== == Programs On HPC, programs (as opposed to utilities) are usually found in the module system, where they're stored in various versions, separated roughly into categories. Utilities (ls, cd, rm, mv, etc) are usually found within the system itself. To look for a program, you can type: -------------------------------------------------------------------- module avail # will spill all the apps and versions available -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you know which one you want, you can load it with: -------------------------------------------------------------------- module load app/version -------------------------------------------------------------------- or if you're not sure about whether it's the right program, try: -------------------------------------------------------------------- module whatis app # spills a short description of what it does (hopefully) -------------------------------------------------------------------- == Resources === General Introduction -[Fix IT yourself with Google] - The[An Introduction to the HPC Computing Facility] aka 'The HPC User's HOWTO'. - The 'BioLinux - a gentle introduction to Bioinformatics on Linux' class slides: *[The Linux part] *[The Bioinformatics part] -[How to Move data] -[Manipulating Data on Linux] -[The Software Carpentry site] -[Showmedo videos] - Instructors: * Jenny Wu * Harry Mangalam === Introduction to R -[An R cheatsheet] -[A Typical Annoying Example of using R/BioConductor] == Distribution & Release Conditions If this Document has been sent to you as a file instead of as a link, some of the content may be lost.[The original page is here.] The AsciiDoc[source is here], which has embedded comments that show how to convert the source to the HTML.[AsciiDoc] is a simple and simply fantastic documentation language - thanks to Stuart Rackham for developing it. image:[Creative Commons License] + This work is licensed under a[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License].