= Harry Mangalam Contact Info Research Cyberinfrastructure Center at UC Irvine == Fast CV - BSc(Hon) UBC, Zoology (Comparative Physiology) - MSc UBC, Zoology (Comparative Physiology) - PhD UCSD, Physiology & Pharmacology (Regulation of Gene Transcription) - PostDoc Salk, FruitFly Genetics & Biochemistry - Selftaught Programmer, Bioinformaticist, Network Commando, Storage Geek, Cluster Monkey. // fileroot="/home/hjm/nacs/hjm.sig"; asciidoc -a icons -a toc2 -a toclevels=3 -b html5 -a numbered ${fileroot}.txt; scp ${fileroot}.html ${fileroot}.txt moo:~/public_html == Phone Google Voice Multiplexer: (949) 478-4487 == Email - hjmangalam@gmail.com (primary) - harry.mangalam@uci.edu (goes to primary) == Github - https://github.com/hjmangalam/tacg[tacg] - a grep for nucleic acids - https://github.com/hjmangalam/parsyncfp[parsyncfp] - quickstart, parallel rsync wrapper - https://github.com/hjmangalam/clusterfork[clusterfork] - parallel ssh master and results coordinator - other utilities: - scut - a more flexible if slower cut (with join abilities) - stats - descriptive stats on anything numeric fed to STDIN - cols - a columnizer, like column/s, but for humans - https://github.com/hjmangalam/scut[the above 3 are hosted here] - qbetta - SGEs 'qhost' + 'qstat' merged to provide better, one-screen info, with regex filtering If you are trying to share Google Docs/Drive items with me or trying to get on my Calendar, please use . == What.. ..I can help you with: - Research Software Support, Debugging, http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/hpc/profilemyjobs/profilemyjobs.html[Profiling], System and Runtime Optimization - often (but not always) associated with the https://hpc.oit.uci.edu/[HPC Cluster] - HPC Storage, including - optimizing your qsub scripts - by pre-staging data - batch time checksumming - http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/kdirstat/kdirstat-for-clusters.html[filesystem visualization], stats, and management. - compression and tarchiving - using http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/biolinux/Linux_Tutorial_12.html#_ownership_permissions_amp_quotas[chown, chgrp, newgrp] to assign new files to other groups - help with quotas - http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/HOWTO_move_data.html[Long and Short Haul Data Transport] - http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/biolinux/Linux_Tutorial_12.html[Linux Training/Education] - http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/ManipulatingDataOnLinux-2.html[Data Munging and Analysis on Linux] - Workflow Optimization - how to exploit the SGE scheduler to get your jobs running http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/biolinux/Linux_Tutorial_12.html#qsub[faster, in parallel, more reliably] - Trivial Bioinformatics - Everything else: Call me and I'll point you to the right person. == Where === Office Consults (Email me to set up a time.) --------------------------------------------- Rm 225, Multipurpose Science & Technology Bldg (MSTB) Office of Information Technology 415 South Circle View Dr Irvine, CA, 92697 --------------------------------------------- http://maps.google.com/maps?q=33.641950,-117.844348&z=17[Map to MSTB] === Docs, Small Packages --------------------------------------------- Rm 289 Multipurpose Science & Technology Bldg (MSTB) Office of Information Technology 415 South Circle View Dr Irvine, CA, 92697 --------------------------------------------- http://maps.google.com/maps?q=33.641950,-117.844348&z=17[Map to MSTB] === Data Center Deliveries --------------------------------------------- OIT Machine Room / Loading Bay Rm 1141, Engineering Gateway Bldg Bldg 321 / F-6 on Campus Map (see below) Access via Eng. Service Rd (see map link below) UC Irvine Irvine, CA, 92697 Contact Joseph Farran .... 714 348 0900 Imam Toufique .... 213 700 5485 --------------------------------------------- https://maps.google.com/maps?q=33.643569,-117.839008&z=17[Map to Data Center Gate] (call above numbers when 15m away from campus) 'XSEDE "Campus Champion" - ask me about your large-scale research computing needs.' == Other info - http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/Mangalam_2017.html[CV] - http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/Mangalam_biosketch-2015.pdf[2015 NIH BioSketch]