#!/usr/bin/env perl # scut v1.30 and above is released under the GNU General Public License v 3.0. # That license can be found at: # I'd appreciate a note if you find it useful or find/fix a bug, or can # offer a suggestion. # don't forget!! using git! # git add scut # stage the file for the commit # git commit -m 'commit message' # stages the commit # git push # pushes the commit to github # kick it to moo, dabrick, # export filename="/home/hjm/bin/scut"; scp ${filename} moo:~/public_html; scp ${filename} moo:~/bin; # scp ${filename} dabrick:~/bin; ssh moo 'scp bin/scut hmangala@hpcs:~/bin' # cd ~/gits/scut; cp ~/bin/scut .; git add scut; git commit -m 'commit message'; git push # Version 1.36 # Changes: # 1.37 11-11-17 - detect no piped input on STDIN and emit an identifying line. # 1.36 07-25-17 - minor mods, hints to help file # 1.35 03-18-15 - drop a dotfile when there's no statistics module so the messages # don't repeat. # 1.34 01-06-12 - added -f as alias to --c1 and -d as alias to --id1 # for better 'cut' compatibility # 1.33 07-27-10 - corrected code in column_ranges() so '0' is considered a (+) # for col selection purposes. Otherwise spec'ing the 0th col gets ignored. # 1.32 05-12-10 - code for catching absent values in input files; # added --labels option.to label columns # 1.31 04-16-10 - Changed License to GPL3 # 1.30 04-09-10 - Added native Excel handling via Spreadsheet::Excel # 1.22 12-08-09 - finally 'use strict'ed; added less thingy for help, dumped help # if no ARGV[0], # 1.21 11-18-09 added nifty column output selection options # 1.20 02-01-09 - changed default error reporting to only if requested # verified that original 'join' function still worked. # corrected help file to be more clear. # 1.18 10.30.08 - added excel 'CSV' format parsing to ease transition from Excel # 1.17 10.29.08 - much code & debugging to parse columns with sub column_ranges() # 1.16 09.11.08 - minor changes to the stats bits. # 1.15 09.30.06 - mod the --help option to dump help if entered without arguments # 1.15 04.21.06 - added --stats option to generate descriptive stats for numeric columns # 1.14 03.30.06 - added --mod_col option # 1.13 03.29.06 - made tabs easier to handle and added the comments passthru # 1.12 10.15.02 - fixed bad test for begin & end, final tab on output (stupid misuse of substr) # 1.11 10.07.02 - add offset capability to slice out sections of a file for processing. # --begin='regex|#' --end='regex|#' # also, if scut is called with no args, should dump help # 1.10 10.02.02 - added ability to use alphabetic/excel-type column IDs rather than # explicit numbers to make it easier to convert from spreadsheet # notation to 0-based notation # 1.06 5.30.02 - changed name to scut from the original 'mergem' # for 'smarter cut', the util that performs scut work for you # some typos fixed, some text clarified. # 9.14.01 - added ability to process STDIN for smarter cut function # no need to define input with '--f1' # 7.28.00 - added columnar grabbing for single files (no keying required) # like 'cut', but is column-based and can be both discontinuous and # out-of-order. # 9.29.99 - added file for grabbing error output # 7.28.99 - added '--version' and '--nocase' # 7.27.99 - fixed mem leak from expanding hash table # 7.25.99 - added '--sync' use strict; # finally! # requires ubuntu packages "libstatistics-descriptive-perl libgetopt-mixed-perl" use Getopt::Long; # these 2 should be done in evals, so we can 'use' them only when needed. # the following stats module is only used in 1 little option. eval {require Statistics::Descriptive}; if ($@) { # touch a junkfile so we don't keep repeating this error if (! -e ".scutjunk") { my $e = `echo "this file can be deleted" > .scutjunk`; print STDERR "[Statistics::Descriptive] not found; will try to continue.\n" } } use Env qw(PATH HOME); use vars qw( $begin $begin_flag $c1 %C1 @c1i $c2 @c2i $csv $DATE $debug $end $end_flag $err %excel_ids $excl $f1 $f2 $fnc $help $HELPFILE $id1 $id2 $incl $k1 $k2 $labels @Lbls @L @L $lastline $LESSHELP $line_counter $L_od @Ls $mc_ba $mc_nbr $mc_OK $mc_txt $mod_col $Nc1i $Nc2i $newcols $nocase $passthru $process $r $neg $pos $s_count $s_mn $s_sd $s_sem $s_sum $stat $stats $sync @tt $ver $VERSION $WC $iR $iC $oWkS $oWkC $xlf $oBook $od $oExcel $TMP $file $Yjoint $i $nbits @cbits $e $r $nn @ll $cutc1 $cutid1 ); $VERSION = "1.38"; $DATE = "Dec 8, 2017"; $stats =0; $ver = 0; $excl = 0; $sync = 0; $nocase = 0; $err = 0; # 02-01-09 - changed default to turned off. $debug = 0; $csv = ''; $labels = 0; # no col labels is the default $f1 = "STDERR"; #$c1 = ''; #$c2 = ''; my $argvnmbr = $#ARGV; # hash to convert alphabetic columns to 0-based indices up to 77 cols. You can design your own # algo to do this correctly if you feel offended by this cheesy hack %excel_ids = ('A' => 0, 'B' => 1,'C' => 2,'D' => 3,'E' => 4,'F' => 5,'G' => 6,'H' => 7,'I' => 8,'J' => 9,'K' => 10, 'L' => 11,'M' => 12,'N' => 13,'O' => 14,'P' => 15,'Q' => 16,'R' => 17,'S' => 18,'T' => 19,'U' => 20, 'V' => 21,'W' => 22,'X' => 23,'Y' => 24,'Z' => 25,'AA' => 26,'AB' => 27,'AC' => 28,'AD' => 29,'AE' => 30, 'AF' => 31,'AG' => 32,'AH' => 33,'AI' => 34,'AJ' => 35,'AK' => 36,'AL' => 37,'AM' => 38,'AN' => 39,'AO' => 40, 'AP' => 41,'AQ' => 42,'AR' => 43,'AS' => 44,'AT' => 45,'AU' => 46,'AV' => 47,'AW' => 48,'AX' => 49,'AY' => 50, 'AZ' => 51,'BA' => 52,'BB' => 53,'BC' => 54,'BD' => 55,'BE' => 56,'BF' => 57,'BG' => 58,'BH' => 59,'BI' => 60, 'BJ' => 61,'BK' => 62,'BL' => 63,'BM' => 64,'BN' => 65,'BO' => 66,'BP' => 67,'BQ' => 68,'BR' => 69,'BS' => 70, 'BT' => 71,'BU' => 72,'BV' => 73,'BW' => 74,'BX' => 75,'BY' => 76,'BZ' => 77); &GetOptions("f=s" => \$c1, # cols to print from f1 (alias to --c1 for 'cut'-like behavior "d=s" => \$id1, # input delimiter for stdin or file1 "f1=s" => \$f1, # file name 1 "f2=s" => \$f2, # file name 2 "k1=i" => \$k1, # key column 1 "k2=i" => \$k2, # key column 2 "c1=s" => \$c1, # columns to print from f1 "c2=s" => \$c2, # columns to print from f2 "id1=s" => \$id1, # input delimiter "id2=s" => \$id2, # input delimiter "od=s" => \$od, # output delimiter "help!" => \$help, # dump usage, tips "err!" => \$err, # dump lots of debugging messages "version!" => \$ver, # just asking for version "begin=s" => \$begin, # start at this line (if #) or that contains this regex (if regex) "end=s" => \$end, # end at this line (if #) or that contains this regex (if regex) "excl!" => \$excl, # if set, exclude the begin/end lines, if not set, include them # code is a bit odd as this was done 1st using the 'include' form which # is less intuitive, but since the code already worked with that flag, # just changed the sense of the flag. "nocase!" => \$nocase, # no case distinction "labels!" => \$labels, # take the 1st uncommented line values as col labels "mod_col=s" => \$mod_col, # modify a column by adding supplied text before or after the col value # This allows a column value say 354.99 to be modified to GEO:GSM1099:354.99 # on the fly. Will only work on 1 column at a time initially, but could be # extended to mod mulitple cols at a time as well. This is starting # to impinge on sed territory.... # format is: --mod_col='#,b|a,"text string"' # where: # is the 0-based column to mod, b=before, a=after, "stats" => \$stats, #calc, print all stats "passthru" => \$passthru, # pass thru comments "sync!" => \$sync, # maintain sync of input and output lines "debug!" => \$debug, # if set, triggers flood of debug statements "xlf=s" => \$xlf, # the Excel file name to parse. "csv=s" => \$csv, # set $id1 and $id2 to use the indicated delim and strip "s ); if ($debug){$|=1;} # turn on flushing for debug... if ($ver) { print "scut: Version $VERSION ($DATE) - author: Harry Mangalam (hjm\@tacgi.com)\n"; exit 0; } if (-t STDIN && $argvnmbr < 1) { if ($help) {usage()} else { print "\n$0 acts like a super-'cut' and can do joins between files using common columns. Use '-h' for more help.\n"; } exit 0; } # delimiters if ($csv ne '') {$id1 = $csv;} if (!defined $id1) { $id1 = '\s+';} # if it's not defined, set to whitespace if ($id1 =~ /TAB/i || defined $xlf) {$id1 = "\t";} if ($csv ne '') {$id2 = $csv;} if (!defined $id2) { $id2 = '\s+';} # if it's not defined set to whitespace if ($id2 =~ /TAB/i || defined $xlf) {$id2 = "\t";} if (!defined $od || $od =~ /TAB/i) { # if it's not defined in the command line, $od = "\t"; # it's defined here as a tab $L_od = -1; } else { $L_od = -1 * (length $od); } if (defined $xlf){ eval 'use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel'; die "[Spreadsheet::ParseExcel] not found\n" if $@; eval 'use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /'; die "[File::Temp] not found\n" if $@; $oExcel = new Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; $oBook = $oExcel->Parse($xlf); ($TMP, $file) = tmpnam(); # get the filehandle and filename # print out some pre-commented header stuff that might be useful print $TMP "#FILE :", $oBook->{File} , "\n"; print $TMP "#SHEETS :", $oBook->{SheetCount} , "\n"; print $TMP "#AUTHOR:", $oBook->{Author} , "\n" if defined $oBook->{Author}; for(my $iSheet=0; $iSheet < $oBook->{SheetCount} ; $iSheet++){ $oWkS = $oBook->{Worksheet}[$iSheet]; print $TMP "#--------- SHEET:", $oWkS->{Name}, "\n"; for(my $iR = $oWkS->{MinRow}; defined $oWkS->{MaxRow} && $iR <= $oWkS->{MaxRow}; $iR++){ my $line = ""; for(my $iC = $oWkS->{MinCol}; defined $oWkS->{MaxCol} && $iC <= $oWkS->{MaxCol}; $iC++){ $oWkC = $oWkS->{Cells}[$iR][$iC]; #print "( $iR , $iC ) =>", $oWkC->Value, "\n" if($oWkC); if ($oWkC) {$line .= $oWkC->Value . $od;} } chomp $line; # remove last \t $line .= "\n"; print $TMP $line; } } close($TMP); print STDERR "Converted Excel file can be retrieved at: [$file]\n"; #pause(__LINE__); open($Yjoint, "<$file") or die "Can't open temp file [$file]\n"; } if (!defined $k1){$k1=0;} if (!defined $begin) { $begin = 1; $begin_flag = "numeric"; } elsif ($begin =~ /\D/) { $begin_flag = "regex";} else { $begin_flag = "numeric"; } if (!defined $end) { $end = 10000000; # effective limit is 10,000,000 lines $end_flag = "numeric"; }elsif ($end =~ /\D/) { $end_flag = "regex";} else { $end_flag = "numeric"; } if ($begin_flag eq "numeric" && $end_flag eq "numeric" && ($end <= $begin)) { die "The --begin value has to be less than the --end value.\n"; } if ($excl == 0) {$incl = 1;} # inverts the --incl/exclude flag to be more intuitive..? w/o changing code else {$incl = 0;} #process the c1/c2 numbers into an array for manipulation if (defined $c1) { # pause(__LINE__); if (($c1 =~ /-/) && ($c1 !~ /ALL/i )) {$c1 = "ALL " . $c1;} $Nc1i = @c1i = column_ranges($c1,$debug); # send it the string, get back an int array } else {$c1 = "NONE"; $Nc1i = 0; @c1i = 0;} # column ranges still don't work for 2nd file.\ if (defined $c2) { if (($c2 =~ /-/) && ($c2 !~ /ALL/i )) {$c2 = "ALL " . $c2;} $Nc2i = @c2i = column_ranges($c2); } else {$c2 = "NONE"; $Nc2i = 0; @c2i = 0;}; # convert excel IDs to 0-based col numbers. # (better way to detect the excel-formatted numbers?) if ( $c1 !~ /-/ && $c1 !~ /ALL/i && $c1 =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ) { # this has to change for (my $i=0; $i<$Nc1i; $i++) { if (defined $c1i[$i] && $c1i[$i] =~ /\D/ ) { # matches a non-digit, convert to a digit $c1i[$i] =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if (length($c1i[$i]) > 2) { # something's wrong - hash doesn't support keys > 2 die "the column specifier in --c1 ($c1i[$i]) is too long\n"; } else { $c1i[$i] = $excel_ids{$c1i[$i]}; # replace inline } } } } if (defined $c2 && $c2 !~ /ALL/i) { for ($i=0; $i<$Nc2i; $i++) { if ($c2i[$i] =~ /\D/ ) { # matches a non-digit, convert to a digit $c2i[$i] =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if (length($c2i[$i]) > 2) { # something's wrong - hash doesn't support keys > 2 die "the column specifier in --c2 ($c2i[$i]) is too long\n"; } else { $c2i[$i] = $excel_ids{$c2i[$i]}; # replace inline } } } } #if ($debug) {pause(__LINE__);} if (defined $mod_col) { my $Nmc = my @Lmc = split /,/, $mod_col; if ($Nmc != 3) {die "ERR: bad format for the --mod_col: option string should be: '#,b|a,\"text string\"'\n";} $mc_nbr = $Lmc[0]; $mc_ba = $Lmc[1]; $mc_txt = $Lmc[2]; #print "\$Lmc[123 = [$Lmc[0]][$Lmc[1]][$Lmc[2]]\n"; if ($mc_ba !~ /[ba]/) {die "ERR: the [b]efore/[a]fter character in --mod_col spec wasn't 'a' or 'b'.\n";} #test to see that the column to be modified is in the output col set if ($c1 !~ /ALL/i){ my $r = 0; my $matched = 0; while ($r < $Nc1i && !$matched) { if ($mc_nbr == $c1i[$r]) {$matched =1;} $r++;} if ($matched == 1) {$mc_OK = 1;} else { die "ERR: the --mod_col column value wasn't in the --c1 output column spec.\n" } } } if (!defined $f2) { # if there's no File2, then slice the requested columns out of File1 # to DEBUG, uncomment the next line to open the f1 file via filehandle and change the # input param to () from (<>). If you try to feed the datafile in via STDIN, # it will fulfil the pause() requirements and keep going # open(FILE1, "$f1") or die "Can't open the first file: $f1!\n"; #!! change this back to STDIN $lastline = 0; $line_counter = 1; $process = 0; $fnc = 0; #first non comment (1st line that will have an accurate count of the columns) if (!defined $Yjoint) {$Yjoint = *STDIN;} while (<$Yjoint>) { #change this back to (<>) when finished debugging. if ($process == 0) { # then we still haven't hit the start condition if (($begin_flag eq "regex") && ($_ =~ /$begin/) || (($begin_flag eq "numeric") && ($line_counter == $begin))) { $process++; } } else { # $process > 0 we're in the midst of processing and just checking for the end condition if ((($end_flag eq "regex") && ($_ =~ /$end/)) || (($end_flag eq "numeric") && ($line_counter == $end) )) { # then we're done; exit if ($incl == 1) { $lastline = 1; } else { print STDERR "Total Lines Counted = $line_counter, Processed = $process\n"; exit(1); } } # else keep on keeping on } if ($csv) {$_ =~ s/"//g; } # delete all double quotes if ($process >= 1) { if ($_ !~ /^#/ && $_ !~ /^\s+$/) { # then the line is 'of interest' if ($_ !~ /$id1/){print STDERR "WARN: No delim [$id1] detected at line [$line_counter] in input [$f1]\n";} chomp; $newcols = ""; # zero the string $WC = @L = split /$id1/; # $WC = Word Count (= # columns), $id1 = input delimiter # take col headers if wanted. if we want labels, we can print out them out # as soon as they come in if ($labels && $fnc == 1) { # print the @L els for (my $r=0;$r<$Nc1i; $r++) { print "$L[$c1i[$r]]$od"; } print "\n"; } $fnc++; # this stanza only needs to be done once per run. key to a line counter. # following only needs to be done one 1st pass if there's a (-) and no positive ranges # this needs to be functionized so that it can be called if scut is called as cut or if it's called as 'join' if (($fnc == 1 && $c1 =~ /-/ && $c1 !~ /\d:\d/) || ($fnc == 1 && $c1 =~ /ALL/i)) { for ($i=0; $i<$WC;$i++) {$tt[$i] = $i;} # generate a linear @arr of [0 1 2 3 ..] if ($c1i[0] ne 'ALL'){ foreach $neg (@c1i) { for ($pos=0; $pos<@tt; $pos++) { if ($neg < 0) { if (abs($neg) == $tt[$pos]) { $tt[$pos]=-1; } } } } } # else just assign c1i to tt $Nc1i = @c1i = @tt; } for ($r=0; $r<$Nc1i;$r++) { # do this over the number of cols we want if ($c1i[$r] >= 0 && defined $L[$c1i[$r]]){ if ($mc_OK && $mc_nbr == $c1i[$r]) { # if the col matches, mod the column if ($mc_ba eq 'b') {$L[$c1i[$r]] = "$mc_txt" . "$L[$c1i[$r]]";} else {$L[$c1i[$r]] = "$L[$c1i[$r]]" . "$mc_txt";} } $newcols .= "$L[$c1i[$r]]$od"; # build the output line } } #if ($debug) {pause(__LINE__);} # if want to do simple stats on the cols, can do that here; # prep vector from $newcols, feed to stats() and put output in following columns. if ($stats == 1 && $newcols =~ /[a-df-zA-DF-Z]+/){ $newcols .= "count$od" . "mean$od" . "std_dev$od" . "sem$od" . "sum$od"; } #print "newcols = [$newcols]\n"; if ($stats == 1 && $newcols !~ /[a-df-zA-DF-Z]/){ eval 'use Statistics::Descriptive'; die "[Statistics::Descriptive] not found\n" if $@; # split $newcols @Ls = split /$od/, $newcols; $stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new(); $stat->add_data(@Ls); #$newcols .= "$L[$k1]$od"; $s_count = $stat->count(); $newcols .= "$s_count$od"; if ($s_count > 1) { $s_mn = $stat->mean(); $newcols .= sprintf "%.3e%s", $s_mn, $od; $s_sd = $stat->standard_deviation(); $newcols .= sprintf "%.3e%s", $s_sd, $od; $s_sem = $s_sd / sqrt($s_count); $newcols .= sprintf "%.3e%s", $s_sem, $od; $s_sum = $stat->sum(); $newcols .= sprintf "%.3e%s", $s_sum, $od; } } # dont forget to add the headers above... $newcols = substr($newcols, 0, $L_od); # print conditions # print "incl=$incl process=$process lastline=$lastline\n"; if (($incl == 1) || ($process >= 1) || ($lastline == 1 && $incl == 1)) { print "$newcols\n"; } } elsif ($passthru || $debug) { print STDERR "$_\n"; } $process++; } $line_counter++; if ($lastline == 1) { print STDERR "Total Lines Counted = $line_counter, Processed = $process\n"; exit(1); } } } else { open(FILE1, "$f1") or die "Can't open the first file: $f1 or STDIN!\n"; my $TotLineCnt = 0; my $UnCommented = 0; my $UniqIndexCnt = 0; if ($debug) {pause(__LINE__);} my $lastline_1 = 0; my $line_counter_1 = 1; my $process_1 = 0; # my $fnc_1 = 0; #first non comment (1st line that will have an accurate count of the columns) if (!defined $k1){die "Ooops! No key column (--k1='integer') defined for 1st file.\n";} while () { chomp; $TotLineCnt++; if ($_ !~ /^#/ && $_ !~ /^\s+$/) { $UnCommented++; $fnc++; my $WC; my @L; if ($_ !~ /$id1/){ $WC =1; $L[0] = $_; # if no defined delimiter found } else { $WC = @L = split /$id1/; # $WC = Word Count, $id1 = input delimiter } #print col headers as in 1st stanza if ($labels && $fnc == 1) { for (my $r=0;$r<$Nc1i; $r++) { print "$L[$c1i[$r]]$od"; } } # need to add checking for redundant indices, other error checking # if this is supposed to be Case-INSENSITIVE # what if there is only 1 field (w/ no delimiters?) in the needle file? # following only needs to be done one 1st pass if there's a (-) and no positive ranges # this needs to be functionized so that it can be called if scut is called as 'cut # or if it's called as 'join' if (($fnc == 1 && $c1 =~ /-/ && $c1 !~ /\d:\d/) || ($fnc == 1 && $c1 =~ /ALL/i)) { for ($i=0; $i<$WC; $i++) {$tt[$i] = $i;} # generate a linear @arr of [0 1 2 3 ..] if ($c1i[0] ne 'ALL'){ foreach $neg (@c1i) { for ($pos=0; $pos<@tt; $pos++) { if ($neg < 0) { if (abs($neg) == $tt[$pos]) { $tt[$pos]=-1; } } } } } # else just assign c1i to tt $Nc1i = @c1i = @tt; } if ($nocase == 1) { $L[$k1] = uc($L[$k1]); # change everything to UPPER case } if (defined $C1{$L[$k1]}[0] && $err) { # if we've already set it (already hit the same index word print STDERR "\nERR: Keyword \"$L[$k1]\", line ", $TotLineCnt," already seen: ", $_, "\n"; } else { $UniqIndexCnt++; # $C1 is the BIG array for keeping all the info we want saved from file 1 # $C1 uses a hash index to keep track of the bits - will it work with purely integers as well? $C1{$L[$k1]}[0] = 1; # set the [0] so that we know it's been hit. $C1{$L[$k1]}[1] = $L[$k1]; # and put the key itself into the [1] # now save all the info we want saved in $C1 #print "D:Nc1i = $Nc1i \n"; for ($r=2; $r<$Nc1i+2; $r++) { # for every col that we want to output eventually $C1{$L[$k1]}[$r] = $L[$c1i[$r-2]]; } } } } print STDERR "\nINFO FILE 1:Total Lines: ", $TotLineCnt, " Uncommented Lines: ", $UnCommented, " Lines with Unique Keys: ", $UniqIndexCnt, "\n\n"; #open the 2nd file open(F2, "$f2") or die "Can't open the second file: $f2!\n"; $TotLineCnt = 0; $UnCommented = 0; $UniqIndexCnt = 0; $fnc = 0; if ($debug) {pause(__LINE__);} while () { if (!defined $k2){die "Ooops! No key column (--k2='integer') defined for 2nd file.\n";} chomp; $TotLineCnt++; if ($_ !~ /^#/ && $_ !~ /^\s+$/) { $UnCommented++; $fnc++; $WC = @L = split /$id2/; # $WC = Word Count if (!defined $c2 || $c2 =~ /ALL/i) {# we want all cols, $Nc2i = $WC; for ($r=0; $r<$WC;$r++) {$c2i[$r] = $r; } } #print "printing labels now"; if ($labels && $fnc == 1) { for (my $r=0;$r<$Nc2i; $r++) { print "$L[$c2i[$r]]$od"; } print "\n"; } # if this is supposed to be Case-INSENSITIVE if ($nocase == 1) { $L[$k2] = uc($L[$k2]); # change everything to UPPER case } if (!defined $C1{$L[$k2]}[0]) { # if it hasn't been set, then it's not a match, so print it to stderr delete $C1{$L[$k2]}; if ($err) { print STDERR "ERR:Keyword \"$L[$k2]\", line ", $TotLineCnt, " not a match: ", $_, "\n"; } if ($sync == 1) { # if we want the output to sync (maintain line numbers), print "\n"; # add a newline } } else { # it IS a match and we want all the juicy bits printed out in a particular format $UniqIndexCnt++; # 1st print out the stuff from file 1 in order of storage, then the stuff from file 2 as requested # 1 for ($r=2; $r<$Nc1i+2; $r++) { # for the 1st file #print "[f1 $r] $C1{$L[$k2]}[$r]$od"; if (defined $C1{$L[$k2]}[$r]){ print "$C1{$L[$k2]}[$r]$od";} else {print "NA$od";} } for ($r=0; $r<$Nc2i; $r++) { # for the second file #if (defined $L[$c2i[$r]]) {print "[f2 $r] $L[$c2i[$r]]$od";} # print "el $r undefined? [$c2i[$r]], [$L[$c2i[$r]]]\n"; if (defined $L[$c2i[$r]]) {print "$L[$c2i[$r]]$od";} else {print "NA$od";} } #print "L_od = $L_od\n"; #$newcols = substr($newcols, 0, $L_od); print "\n"; } } elsif ($sync == 1) { print "\n"; } else { if ($passthru) {print "$_\n";} } } } # --------------------------- SUBROUTINES -------------------------------- # sub trim($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } sub column_ranges { # this sub takes in a column specifier string of the format: # '13 2 6 4 8 8 3' (all +#s -> print these cols in this order (duplicates allowed) # '3:7 9 11:19 -14:-17 22:23' mixed +, - ranges. generates an output of: # [3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12 13 18 19 22 23] (the - ranges negate the +ranges specified) # 'ALL -3 -7:-13' prints all columns in order EXCEPT 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 # note that this routine handles col indices in L->R order and mantains that order. # sub column_ranges(@col_str) { ... return @order } # @order is int array that contains order of rationalized cols # this sub should be callable to mask the @pos with the @neg and return the result (result could be placed # in the @pos to be returned.. This should be callable for any set of inputs. # so optimally, the original column selection string is sent in and the equalized string is emitted (or an array of ints # that has all the columns in the proper order. # $Nc1i = @c1i = column_ranges($ics); #example of call - string goes in, array comes out. my $ics = shift; $debug = shift; my @cols_neg; my @cols_pos; my $cn= 0; my $cp= 0; my @final; # my $debug = 0; if (($ics=~ /-/) && ($ics !~ /\d:\d/) && ($ics !~ /ALL/i ) && ($ics !~ / \d/)) { # then it's negatives only in ranges or singles, so ADD the implied ALL $ics = "ALL " . $ics; if ($debug) {print STDERR "added ALL to all-negative run\n"; } } if (($ics =~ /:/ || $ics =~ /-/) && ($ics !~ /ALL/i )) { # make sure that if the var = 'ALL' it stays 'ALL' if ($debug) {print STDERR "\$ics: range or negative, but NO ALL\n"; } # so it could be -c1='-3:-40' $ics = trim($ics); # trim both ends of whitespace # break it into bits on spaces my $nbits = my @cbits = split(/\s+/,$ics); for (my $e=0; $e<$nbits; $e++) { #print "cbits[$e] = $cbits[$e]\n"; if ($cbits[$e] =~ /\d:[-\d]/) { # 23:45 or -34:-23 but not '12:' or ':67' my $nn = my @ll = split(/:/,$cbits[$e]); # splits b:e to [b] [e] if ($ll[0]<0 && $ll[1]>0 ||$ll[0]>0 && $ll[1]<0 ) {die "A column range crosses 0: [$ll[0] to $ll[1] - This is nonsense! Try again\n";} if ($ll[0] > $ll[1]) { for (my $i=$ll[0]; $i>=$ll[1]; $i--) { # note $i decrements if ($i>=0) {$cols_pos[$cp++] = $i;} #print "+"; # put positive #s in pos array else {$cols_neg[$cn++] = $i; } #print "-"; # and negative #s in neg array } } else { # b < e (usual case) for ($i=$ll[0]; $i<=$ll[1]; $i++) { # note $i increments if ($i>=0) {$cols_pos[$cp++] = $i;} #"print+"; # put positive #s in pos array else {$cols_neg[$cn++] = $i;} #print "-"; # and negative #s in neg array } } } else { # it will be a single number like 2 or 45 or -45 if ($cbits[$e]>=0) {$cols_pos[$cp++] = $cbits[$e];} # put positive #s in pos array else {$cols_neg[$cn++] = $cbits[$e];} # and negative #s in neg array } } # now all components are in the @cols_etc array, so now need to delete # those that have negative references ie can have a range of # --c1='11:19 -14 -25 24:26 46' # and the '-14 would negate the '14' implied by '11:22'. # so in above case the pos array would be: # [11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 46] # and the neg array would be # [-14 -25] # and the negs should erase the pos's so the ending array in the pos array would be: # [11 12 13 -1 15 16 17 18 19 24 -1 26 46] (use -1 in the cols_pos to indicate a skip # if $cols_pos[] < 0, don't print it. if it's +, print it in that order. # $sz = scalar @cols_neg; # print STDERR "Array cols_neg = @cols_neg, sz = $sz\n"; # if ($debug) {pause(__LINE__);} foreach my $neg (@cols_neg) { for (my $pos=0; $pos<@cols_pos; $pos++) { #print "neg = $neg, pos = $pos, cols_pos[$pos] = $cols_pos[$pos]\n"; #if ($neg == abs($cols_pos[$pos]) {$cols_pos[$pos] = -1;} if (abs($neg) == $cols_pos[$pos]) { $cols_pos[$pos] = -1; } #print "match!\n"; } } # if ($debug) {pause(__LINE__);} # my $fc = 0; # for (my $pos=0; $pos<=@cols_pos; $pos++) { # if ($cols_pos[$pos] =! -1) {$final[$fc++] = $cols_pos[$pos]} # skips the -1's # } # @ loop end, just return @cols_pos; thecode has to be modified to handle -1a return @cols_pos; } elsif ($ics =~ /ALL/i) { # ALL makes sense only if you ask for ALL alone or with a # set of (-)s (so warn if detect a positive in there as well # so break it into bits and extract the (-)s. this will result in an array of negatives # that will have to be checked as we print out the cols. # means that we'll have to have 2 modes: # print_pos (print ONLY the columns noted) if (defined $col[$i]) {print col_pos[$i # print_neg (print ALL the columns EXCEPT the columns noted) # and then 'ALL' alone signifies to print all columns. $ics = trim($ics); if ($ics eq "ALL" || $ics eq "all"){ # should test before entry also # $final[0] = "ALL"; $final[1] = "STOP"; $final[0] = "ALL"; return @final; } $nbits = @cbits = split(/\s+/,$ics); for ($e=0; $e<$nbits; $e++) { # one of the bits is ALL cuz that's how we got here. we want to fill in the rest of the (-)s if ($debug) {print STDERR "CBITS = $cbits[$e] \n";} #$ert = int($cbits[$e]) + 23; #print "ert = $ert\n"; if ($debug) {pause(__LINE__);} # $cbits[$e] if ( $cbits[$e] =~ /-\d/) { # look for a -# if ($cbits[$e] =~ /:/){ # a range $nn = @ll = split(/:/,$cbits[$e]); if ($ll[0]>0 || $ll[1]>0) { die "One of the ranges has a +# in it which doesn't make sense if you specify 'ALL' as well\n"; } if ($ll[0] > $ll[1]) {my $tmp = $ll[0]; $ll[0]= $ll[1]; $ll[1]=$tmp;} # b > e -4:-6; flip em for ($i=$ll[0]; $i<=$ll[1]; $i++) { # note $i decrements if ($i>0) {die "Don't want a (+) number with ALL; only (-)s\n";} # emit error else {$cols_neg[$cn++] = $i;} # put negative #s in neg array } } else { $cols_neg[$cn++] = $cbits[$e];} # it's a single so just paste the # in as a neg } elsif ($cbits[$e] !~ /ALL/i && int($cbits[$e]) > -1) { die "One of #s you specified [$cbits[$e]] is + which doesn't make sense if you specify 'ALL' as well\n"; } } # return @cols_neg (all (-)s) and when test for 'ALL' when printing, also test for (-)s in the @arr. if ($debug) {print STDERR "about to return \@col_neg\n"; pause(__LINE__);} return @cols_neg; } elsif ($ics =~ /\d/ && $ics !~ /-/) { @final = split(/\s+/, $ics);return @final;} # should be only #s like '2 5 3 7 6' else {die "There's something wrong with the column specification [$ics]\n";} } sub pause { my $line = shift; print STDERR "Paused at line $line. to continue.\n"; my $tmp = ; } sub usage { $LESSHELP = < || scut v1.30 and above is released under the GNU General Public License v 3.0. That license can be found at: I'd appreciate a note if you find it useful or find/fix a bug, or can offer a suggestion. scut has 2 purposes: 1) printing fields from lines that have one field that matches a field from another file in much the same way as the 'join' utility (explained below). 2) slicing out columns out of a file and (optionally) re-ordering them If you had a file, a line of which was: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 "now is the time for all twisted wackos to wheeze on the snoots of coots" and you only wanted fields 3 5 7 and 8, but you wanted them in the order: 5 8 7 3, you could specify this by --c1='5 8 7 3', and that line would be output as: "all to wackos time" This function is essentially a smarter 'cut', and only REQUIRES the input (as STDIN, not a file name) and the columns to print (--c1='# # # #'). If you want it to break on something other than whitespace, you have to specify that as well. Usage: scut [options, below] > output_file -f='# # ..' - synonym for '--c1' below to allow better compatibility with 'cut' -d="..." - synonym for '--id1' below, the delimiter string for STDIN or file1 to allow better compatibility with 'cut' --f1=[file1] - the shorter or 'needle' file. If using as a smarter cut, use STDIN. --f2=[file2] - the longer or 'haystack' file --xlf=[Excelfile] - can read and parse native binary Excel files with Spreadsheet::Excel with the same options as used with STDIN. If there are multiple worksheets, all will be processed. --k1=col# - the key column from file1 (numbered from ZERO, not 1) i.e the number of the column (starting from 0) that has the key column name for file1 (see example below) Use this to specify an ID column if you need one for the --stats flag (see below). Default = 0; --k2=col# - the key column from file2 (ditto) --c1='# # ..' - the numbers of the columns from file1 that you want printed out in the order in which you want them. If you DON'T want any columns from the file, just omit the --c1 option completely. If you want the whole line, type --c1='ALL'. Can also use the '-f' synonym at top. You can also use discontinous ranges like '2:4 8:10' to print [2 3 4 8 9 10] and decreasing ranges like '8:4' to print cols [8 7 6 5 4]. You can also negate columns to remove them from a larger range '9:12' -11' to print [9 10 12] or 12:1 -7:-4 to print [12 11 10 9 8 3]. You can also use the 'ALL' keyword to print all cols and negate the ones you don't want with negative ranges - 'ALL -8:-14' to print all columns EXCEPT 8-14. Notes: 1) #s are split on whitespace, not commas. 2) scut also supports Excel-style column specifiers such as: or --c1='A C F ..' (A B F AD BG etc) for up to 78 columns (->BZ) If you want more, add them to the \%excel_ids hash in the code or create an algorithm that does it right. --c2='# # ..' - ditto for file2 or --c2='A C F ..' --id1='...' - the delimiter string for file1; defaults to whitespace (specify TAB ('\\t') by specifying either '\\t' or much more simply 'TAB' [ --id='TAB' (case insensitive)] (friggin shell escapes will bugger you every time) It can be a multicharacter string as well such as '_|_' --id2='...' - ditto for file2 --csv='delim' - sets the format for both file1 and file2 to process Excel- formatted CSV files (argument=delim char, with text enclosed with double quotes). ie: 7,"this is data 1","yadda badda",14.8,"my name isn't BOO" for the above, use --csv=',' Can use 'TAB' to indicate a tab delim, as with '--id1' --od='...' - the delimiter string for the output (defaults to TAB) --err - generates lots of messages on stderr for debugging (for large files, most of the CPU is dedicated to processing the STDERR text stream (thanks for stressing it, Peter), but if you need this output, you'll just have to deal with it. --labels - prints the column labels (assumed to be on the 1st Non-Commented line. Works with both 1-file and 2-file versions. NB: the following 4 options: --begin, --end, --excl --mod_col, --passthru currently only work with the single file version (as a smarter cut, not the merging functions). --begin=[#|regex] - specifies the line to START processing data at (for example, if the file has 2 format sections and you only want to process one of them). The option can be either an integer value to specify the line number, or a non- repeating regular expression that unambiguously identifies the line. --end=[#|regex] - as above, but specifies the line to STOP processing data at. --excl - if added to the arguments, excludes the lines specified by --begin and --end (in case you need to exclude the defining header lines). --mod_col='#,[ab],text string' - allows you to modify the specified column # by adding the specified text string before or after the value. --mod_col='3,a,tail end' appends the string 'tail end' to the value in column 3 (remember: 0-based counts) --passthru - if used, passes comments thru to the output unchanged --stats - requests (per-row) descriptive stats of the output columns to be appended to each line. Includes mean, std_dev, sem, counts and sum. Use the --k1 flag to define an ID col; defaults to 0. For per-column stats, pipe each column into 'stats': |scut --ic1='4' |stats (stats is at:) --version - gives the version of the software and dies. --nocase - makes the merging key case INSENSITIVE. --sync - whether you want the output sync'ed on file2. The sync will insert blank lines where there are comments as well. --help - sends these lines to 'less' and dies on exit. --debug - generates lots of debugging info and expects file input via --f1 (not STDIN) to allow pausing. Notes: = there have to be the same number of columns in each line or it will get confused. The matches are case-sensitive, unless you use the '--nocase' option to turn it off. = scut sends its output to stdout, so if you want to catch the output in a file, use redirection '>' (see below) and if you want to catch the stderr you'll have to catch that as well ( >& out ). = scut ignores any line that starts with a '#', so you can document what the columns mean, add column numbering, etc, as long as those lines start with a '#' = if you need to keep the ordering intact for either of the files, run them thru 'cat -n' to number the lines so they can be re-sorted after processing (Tx, Theo). = scut processes both files in-memory and expands to about 10x the size of both files in-mem. So, good for data up to the 10s of GB on servers but probably not more. = under Win/DOS execution, you will probably need to run it with the perl prefix i.e. perl scut [options] and will also have to enclose the option strings with DOUBLE QUOTES (\"opts\") instead of single quotes('opts'). HELP $HELPFILE = "$HOME/.scuthelpfile" . $$; open(HF, ">$HELPFILE") or die "Can't open helpfile [$HELPFILE] at __LINE__ \n"; print HF $LESSHELP; close HF; system("less $HELPFILE"); unlink $HELPFILE; # and get rid of it asap exit(0); }