#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; # for std option handling: -h --yadda=badda, etc use Socket; use Env qw(HOME PATH); # after significant changes, update the tarball and cp to moo for distribution. # cd ; cp ~/bin/parsync ~/parsync; tar -cvzf parsync+utils.tar.gz parsync; scp parsync+utils.tar.gz moo:~/public_html/parsync #TODOs: # - need to allow multiple chunk files - append a datestamp+PID stringto the end # to allow different parsyncs to access multiple chunkfiles (like labeling # the logfiles). This will be different with fpart and kds # - need to be able to spec a different 'config' dir so that you can start multiple # parsyncs at the same time. # - if user doesn't spec specific dirs, rsync them all # - allow regexs for specifying the paths to rsync. rsync allows them bu # kdirstat-cache-writer doesn't so have to expand them immediately and then # use the expansion to fork multiple kds-c-w's # - autodetect what channel is being used by the rsync and change the output to # display that rather than just the output of ifstat. # can use: ifs=`ip link show | grep UP | grep -v 'lo:' | cut -f2 -d:` # can detect an remote node and ask which one do you want to monitor # but that wouldn't detect the diffs between a remote rsync and a remote mounted fs # ie /nfs vs /usr # ie: if it's a remote host, what interface will route to it and start ifstat on that interface # and if it's local disk, detect which one and monitor that with iostat. # - fork multiple (up to NP) kdirstats to run over multiple dirs to decrease the time to run # when one finishes, start another on another subdir. use vars qw( $NP $rootdir $rem_user $rem_host $rem_path %FILES $Totlsiz $Filecnt $NP_chunk $fl $tmp $ch $fn $FOUT $cmd @DIRS2SYNC $RSYNCOPTS $CHECKPERIOD $MAXBW $MAXLOAD $EMAIL $NETIF $IF_SPEED $HELP $VERSION $DEBUG $NDIRS @DIRS $dirtmp $dcnt $BAREFILES $parsync_dir $remote $TARGET $ROOTDIR $DATE $NCPUs @SYSLOAD $LOAD1mratio %UTILS $loadavg $REUSECACHE $QUIET $allPIDs $NOWAIT $prev_cache $PARSYNCVER ); &GetOptions( "startdir=s" => \$ROOTDIR, # Have to be able to set rootdir -> SRC in rsync "barefiles!" => \$BAREFILES, # set to allow rsync of individual files "rsyncopts=s" => \$RSYNCOPTS , # passthru to rsync as a string "NP=i" => \$NP , # number of rsync processes to start "reusecache!" => \$REUSECACHE, # dont re-read dirs, re-use existing ones. "checkperiod=i" => \$CHECKPERIOD, # # of Min between system load checks "maxbw=i" => \$MAXBW, # max bw to use (--bwlimit=KBPS passthru to rsync) "maxload=f" => \$MAXLOAD, # max system load - if > this, sleep rsyncs "email=s" => \$EMAIL, # email to notify when finished "interface=s" => \$NETIF, # network interface to use if multiple ones "nowait!" => \$NOWAIT, # sleep a few s rather than wait for a user ack "help!" => \$HELP, # dump usage, tips # "quiet!" => \$QUIET, # no more verbosity, please "version!" => \$VERSION, # duh.. "debug!" => \$DEBUG, # requests more developer-level info ); eval {require English}; die "[English] not found; required for the kdirstat-cache-writer.\n" if $@; eval {require Encode}; die "[Encode] not found; required for the kdirstat-cache-writer.\n" if $@; eval {require URI::Escape}; die "[URI::Escape qw(uri_escape)] not found; required for the kdirstat-cache-writer.\n" if $@; if (! defined $QUIET) {$QUIET = 0;} $PARSYNCVER = << "VERSION"; parsync version 1.4 (beta) 11-13-2015 by Harry Mangalam || parsync is a Perl script that wraps Andrew Tridgells miraculous 'rsync' to provide some load balancing and parallel operation across network connections to increase the amount of bandwidth it can use. VERSION $parsync_dir = $HOME . "/.parsync"; if (!-d $parsync_dir){ mkdir $parsync_dir or die "FATAL: Can't mkdir [$parsync_dir]\n";} if (defined $VERSION) { print $PARSYNCVER; exit;} if (!defined $RSYNCOPTS) {$RSYNCOPTS = "";} if (defined $HELP || @ARGV == 0) {usage();} %UTILS = ( # required utils to help this run correctly "ethtool" => "", "iwconfig" => "", "ifstat" => "", "stats" => "", "kdirstat-cache-writer" => "", ); my $utilsz = keys %UTILS; foreach my $util (keys %UTILS){ my $utilpath = `which $util | tr -d '\n'`; if ($utilpath !~ /$util/){ print "!!WARN: [$util] not found. you can find 'stats' and 'kdirstat-cache-writer' here: and the rest via yum, apt-get, or google.\n"; die "\n\nFATAL: [$util] isn't on your PATH [$PATH]; Please install it or correct your PATH variable to include it.\nTry ''module load perl'' or use cpan to install it.\n\n" } else {$UTILS{$util} = $utilpath; if ($DEBUG){print "\tEVAL: Found [$util] at [$utilpath].\n"} } } $DATE=`date +"%T_%F" | sed 's/:/./g' `; chomp $DATE; ### get the current system stats: #CPUs, load, bandwidth, etc # CPUs $NCPUs = `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l`; chomp $NCPUs; $loadavg = `cat /proc/loadavg | tr -d '\n'`; @SYSLOAD = split (/\s+/, $loadavg); # 1st 3 fields are 1, 5, 15m loads # so as long as the 1m load / NCPUs < 1, we're fine; if > 1, we may want to start throttling.. $LOAD1mratio = $SYSLOAD[0] / $NCPUs; if (! defined $NETIF) {$NETIF = `/sbin/route -n | grep "^" | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev`; chomp $NETIF} if (! defined $NP){$NP = int(sqrt($NCPUs)+ 0.5);} # round sqrt(NCPUs) (hyperthreaded if Intel) 8 -> 3 if (! defined $MAXBW) {$MAXBW = 1000000;} # essentially unlimited else {$MAXBW = $MAXBW / $NP;} # users expect total maxbw; so have to divide by NP. if (! defined $MAXLOAD){$MAXLOAD = $NP + 2 ;} # + 1 for IO load if (! defined $ROOTDIR){$ROOTDIR = `pwd`; chomp $ROOTDIR;} # where all dirs must be rooted. # get some network info if ($NETIF =~ /eth/) { $IF_SPEED = `ethtool eth0 2> /dev/null | grep Speed | cut -f2 -d:`;} elsif ($NETIF =~ /wlan/) { $IF_SPEED = `iwconfig wlan0 | grep -i quality`; } elsif ($NETIF =~ /ib/) { $IF_SPEED = `ibstat | grep Rate | head -1 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'`; $IF_SPEED = "IB:" . $IF_SPEED; } chomp $IF_SPEED; if ($DEBUG){print "\tEVAL: Using network interface [$NETIF] with connection quality [$IF_SPEED]\n\n";} if ($SYSLOAD[0] < $MAXLOAD){ if ($DEBUG){print "\n\tEVAL: 1m load is [$SYSLOAD[0]] and the 1m Load:#CPU ratio is [$LOAD1mratio] ( [$NCPUs] CPU cores). OK to continue.\n "} } else { print "\n!!WARN: 1m System load is > [$SYSLOAD[0]]. The 1m Load:#CPU ratio is [$LOAD1mratio].\n Continue? [Cntrl+C to interrupt; Enter to continue]\n "; pause(); } if (-d $parsync_dir) { my $ls = `ls -l $parsync_dir`; print <$bffile") or die "Can't open [$bffile] for writing.\n\n"; my $rsls = `ls -1 $parsync_dir`; if ($rsls =~ /\.gz/) {$prev_cache = `ls -1 $parsync_dir/*.gz`; } elsif (defined $REUSECACHE){ print "!!WARN: You chose '--reusecache', but there's no files for it. Unsetting that option\n\n."; undef $REUSECACHE; sleep 1; } ## This is the big REUSECACHE SECTION. ONlY enter if wnat to REUSECACHE if (defined $REUSECACHE && -d $parsync_dir){ print "!!WARN: NOT GENERATING NEW CACHE; RE-USING ALL OF PREVIOUS CACHE. This includes the following cache files from [$parsync_dir]: -------------------------------------------------------------------- $prev_cache -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to ignore some of these cachefiles, delete them or move them out of the way. Hit [CTRL + C] to cancel or .. "; if ($NOWAIT){ print " Actually... Not waiting. You have 5 sec to cancel.\n"; sleep 5; } else{ pause(); } # now have to populate the @cachefiles array from the existing cachefiles print "\n\tINFO: Calculating file chunks; this could take several sec..\n\n"; my $nn = @cachefiles = split(/\n/,$prev_cache); } # Have to generate the cache fresh. This can take hours on a big transfer. else{ my $x = 0; for (my $r=0; $r<=$#DIRS2SYNC; $r++) { my $tt = substr ($DIRS2SYNC[$r],-1); if (substr($DIRS2SYNC[$r],-1) eq '/' ) { print "\tPREP: Forking kdirstat to generate list of files on: [$DIRS2SYNC[$r]]\n"; my $cachename = $DIRS2SYNC[$r]; $cachename =~ s!/!-!g; chop $cachename; $cachename = substr ($cachename, 1); my $cache = $parsync_dir . '/' . $cachename . ".gz"; $cachefiles[$x++] = $cache; # add it to the list my $cmd = "kdirstat-cache-writer -l $DIRS2SYNC[$r] $cache"; # for multiple dirs this should be forked for each dir, PIDs captured, # and then loop until all the PIDs are done. system("kdirstat-cache-writer -l $DIRS2SYNC[$r] $cache"); # serially for now } else { print "\tINFO: file, not dir [$DIRS2SYNC[$r]]\n"; # so we have to generate a compatible file for the files to merge with the others; req full path name and size in bytes (my $dev, my $ino, my $mode, my $nlink, my $uid, my $gid, my $rdev, my $fsize, my $atime, my $mtime, my $ctime, my $blksize, my $blocks) = stat($DIRS2SYNC[$r]); if ($DIRS2SYNC[$r] =~ / /) {$DIRS2SYNC[$r] =~ s! !%20!g;} print BAREFILES "F $DIRS2SYNC[$r] $fsize 0x4ce2c3e6\n"; } } close BAREFILES; if (-f $bffile) {system("gzip -f $bffile");} $cachefiles[$x] = "$bffile" . ".gz"; } %FILES = (); $Totlsiz = 0; $Filecnt = 0; # if generating cache fresh, have to do all this again. if (!defined $REUSECACHE && -d $parsync_dir){ for (my $r=0; $r<=$#cachefiles; $r++) { open(KCACHE, "gunzip -c $cachefiles[$r] |") or die "FATAL: Can't open the kdirstat cachefile [$cachefiles[$r]]\n"; while () { # this test eliminates empty DIRs. Maybe not what's reuired if ($_ =~ /^[DF]/){ # if it's a file [or dir], suck it into the hash my $N = my @L = split /\s+/; #print "before: $L[1]\n"; $L[1] =~ s!//!/!g; # removes '//'s my $delit = $ROOTDIR . '/'; # for next line to delete it $L[1] =~ s/$delit//; # deletes the pwd plus trailing / # following few tests correct odd char substitution from kdirstat if ($L[1] =~ /%20/ ) { $L[1] =~ s!%20! !g; } if ($L[1] =~ /%25/ ) { $L[1] =~ s!%25!\%!g;} $FILES{$L[1]} = $L[2]; $Totlsiz += $L[2]; $Filecnt++; } # if file } # while() .. # implied close then open the next. } # for (my $r=0; ... print "\n\tINFO: Total files found: [$Filecnt]; Total bytes: [$Totlsiz]\n"; $NP_chunk = $Totlsiz / $NP; print "\tINFO: Ideal Chunk size for [$NP] procs: [$NP_chunk] bytes\n\n"; sleep 1; # if ($NOWAIT){sleep 5} # else {pause();} $tmp = $ch = $fn = 0; $FOUT = $parsync_dir . '/' . "kds-chunk-" . "$ch"; open (OUT, ">$FOUT") or die "Can't open [$FOUT] for writing\n"; foreach $fl (keys %FILES){ ## We don't need to sort them - killer for huge file lists $fn++; $tmp += $FILES{$fl}; print OUT "$fl\n"; if ($tmp >= $NP_chunk) { close OUT; $ch++; print "\tINFO: Chunk[$ch] = [$tmp] bytes : [$fn] files\n"; $tmp = $fn = 0; $FOUT = $parsync_dir . '/' . "kds-chunk-" . "$ch"; open (OUT, ">$FOUT") or die "Can't open [$FOUT] for writing\n"; } } } else{ print "\tINFO: Re-using existing chunkfiles..\n"; } # and handle the last details of the above loop. close OUT; if (!defined $REUSECACHE && -d $parsync_dir){ $ch++; print "\tINFO: Chunk[$ch] = [$tmp] bytes : [$fn] files\n"; } # now start the NP parallel rsyncs using the kds-chunks as file sources print "\n\tINFO: Starting the [$NP] rsyncs in parallel.\n"; my $PIDFILE = $parsync_dir . '/' . "rsync-PIDs" . '-' . $DATE; for (my $r=0; $r<$NP; $r++){ # so as not to overwrite previous logs. my $logfile = $parsync_dir . '/' ."rsync-logfile-" . $DATE . "_" . "$r"; $fn = $parsync_dir . '/' . "kds-chunk-" . "$r"; $cmd = "rsync --bwlimit=$MAXBW $RSYNCOPTS -a --files-from=$fn $ROOTDIR $TARGET 2> $logfile"; print "\n\tINFO:rsync command[$r]:\n[$cmd]\n"; sleep 1; # if ($NOWAIT){ sleep 1; } # else { pause(); } # and finally, execute the command system("$cmd & echo \"\${!}\" >> $PIDFILE "); } $| =1; # uncomment to force flushing open (PIDFILE, "<$PIDFILE") or die "\nFATAL: Can't open PIDFILE [$PIDFILE]'.\n"; my $rPIDs = ""; # running PIDs my $sPIDs = ""; # suspended PIDs while (){ chomp; $rPIDs = $rPIDs . " " . "$_"; } print "\n\tINFO: Total Active rsync PIDs = [$rPIDs]\n"; my $ORIG_PIDs = $allPIDs = $rPIDs; # Fresh copy # print the header print " Timestamp | 1m Load | BW [$NETIF] | Running PIDs || Suspended PIDs\n"; while ($allPIDs =~ /\d+/){ #print "\tPIDs running: [$PIDs]\n"; # check the sysload $loadavg = `cat /proc/loadavg | tr -d '\n'`; @SYSLOAD = split (/\s+/, $loadavg); # 1st 3 fields are 1, 5, 15m loads $LOAD1mratio = $SYSLOAD[0] / $NCPUs; # following contributes 5s to periodicity of updates my $meanbw = `ifstat -i $NETIF 1 5 | tail -5 | cut -c9-19 | stats --quiet | grep Mean | cut -c 7-19`; chomp $meanbw; # trim leading & trailing whitespace $rPIDs =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ; $sPIDs =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ; # print it out with the date my $rDATE=`date +"%T_%F" | sed 's/:/./g' `; chomp $rDATE; printf "$rDATE %5.2f %12.2f [%s] || [%s]\n", $SYSLOAD[0], $meanbw , $rPIDs, $sPIDs; if ($SYSLOAD[0] > $MAXLOAD){ if ($DEBUG) {print "\nDEBUG: System load [$SYSLOAD[0]] is > MAXLOAD [$MAXLOAD]. Will try to suspend a running rsync to shed load.\n";} # reassign a new list from ONLY RUNNING PIDs to $rPIDs if ($rPIDs =~ /\d+/) {$rPIDs = `ps -p $rPIDs | grep -v PID| cut -c 1-5 | tr '\n' ' '`;} # and the new result has to have something in it as well. if ($rPIDs =~ /\d+/){ # if any still left my $N = my @raPIDs = split(/\s+/, $rPIDs); my $e = 0; while ($e <= $N && $raPIDs[$e] !~ /\d+/){$e++}; if ($DEBUG) {print "\t\tDEBUG:got one: [$raPIDs[$e]]; will now suspend it\n";} kill 'STOP', $raPIDs[$e]; $sPIDs = "$sPIDs" . ' ' . "$raPIDs[$e]"; # transfer rPID to sPID. $rPIDs =~ s/$raPIDs[$e]//g; # delete that PID fr the rPID string } else { # there aren't any more PIDs left - all done or killed off.' print "\tINFO: No more running rsync PIDs left. All rsyncs are suspended [$sPIDs].\n"; } } elsif ($sPIDs =~ /\d+/) { # if there are sPIDs, unsuspend them one by one # split em my $N = my @saPIDs = split(/\s+/, $sPIDs); my $e = 0; while ($e <= $N && $saPIDs[$e] !~ /\d+/){$e++}; if ($DEBUG) { print "\t\tDEBUG:got one: [$saPIDs[$e]]; will now UNsuspend it\n";} kill 'CONT', $saPIDs[$e]; $rPIDs = "$rPIDs" . ' ' . "$saPIDs[$e]"; # transfer sPID to rPID. $sPIDs =~ s/$saPIDs[$e]//g; # delete that PID fr the sPID string } sleep 5; # And another 5s # recheck all rsync-related PIDs $allPIDs = `ps -p $ORIG_PIDs | grep -v PID| cut -c 1-5 | tr '\n' ' '`; } my $host = `hostname`; chomp $host; if (defined $EMAIL){system("echo 'all rsyncs done' | mail -s 'parsync on host [$host] completed' $EMAIL");} # finally, remind user how much storage the cache takes and to clear the cache files my $du_cache = `du -sh $parsync_dir`; chomp $du_cache; print "\nWARN: The parsync cache dir takes up [$du_cache] Don't forget to delete it, but wait until you are sure that your job completed correctly, so that you can re-use it if necessary.\n"; unlink $PIDFILE; exit; # ================= subroutines ================= sub pause { print "press [ENTER] to continue.\n"; my $tmp = ; } sub usage { my $helpfile = "$HOME/.parsync/parsync-help.tmp"; open HLP, ">$helpfile" or die "Can't open the temp help file\n"; my $helptxt = < maxload, sleeps an rsync proc for 10s --rsyncopts [s] ... options passed to rsync as a quoted string (CAREFUL!) this opt triggers a pause before executing to verify the command. --interface [s] ............. network interface to /monitor/, not nec use. default: `/sbin/route -n | grep "^" | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev` above works on most simple hosts, but complex routes will confuse it. --reusecache .......... don't re-read the dirs; re-use the existing caches --email [s] ..................... email address to send completion message (requires working mail system on host) --barefiles ..... set to allow rsync of individual files, as oppo to dirs --nowait ................ for scripting, sleep for a few s instead of wait --version ................................. dumps version string and exits --help ......................................................... this help Examples ======== (Good example) % parsync --maxload=5.5 --NP=4 --startdir='/home/hjm' dir1 dir2 dir3 \ hjm\@remotehost:~/backups where = "--startdir='/home/hjm'" sets the working dir of this operation to '/home/hjm' and dir1 dir2 dir3 are subdirs from '/home/hjm' = the target "hjm\@remotehost:~/backups" is the same target rsync would use = "--NP=4" forks 4 instances of rsync = -"-maxload=5.5" will start suspending rsync instances when the 5m system load gets to 5.5 and then unsuspending them when it goes below it. It uses 4 instances to rsync dir1 dir2 dir3 to hjm\@remotehost:~/backups (Good example) % parsync --rsyncopts="--ignore-existing" --reusecache --NP=3 \ --barefiles *.txt /mount/backups/txt where = "--rsyncopts='--ignore-existing'" is an option passed thru to rsync telling it not to disturb any existing files in the target directory. = "--reusecache" indicates that the filecache shouldn't be re-generated, uses the previous filecache in ~/.parsync = "--NP=3" for 3 copies of rsync (with no "--maxload", the default is 4) = "--barefiles" indicates that it's OK to transfer barefiles instead of recursing thru dirs. = "/mount/backups/txt" is the target - a local disk mount instead of a network host. It uses 3 instances to rsync *.txt from the current dir to "/mount/backups/txt". (Error Example) % pwd /home/hjm # executing parsync from here % parsync --NP4 /usr/local /media/backupdisk why this is an error: = '--NP4' is not an option (parsync will say "Unknown option: np4" It should be '--NP=4' = if you were trying to rsync '/usr/local' to '/media/backupdisk', it will fail since there is no /home/hjm/usr/local dir to use as a source. This will be shown in the log files in ~/.parsync/rsync-logfile-_# as a spew of "No such file or directory (2)" errors The correct version of the above command is: % parsync --NP=4 --startdir=/usr local /media/backupdisk HELP print HLP $helptxt; close HLP; system("less -S $helpfile"); unlink $helpfile; die "Did that help?\n"; }