1. Summary
With a little setup, you can toss your commands to your servers with effectively no login.
# upgrade that remote server with the one liner: sudo ssh -t server 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'
2. Introduction
A frequent requirement for sysadmin is to fix or inquire about the state of something on a remote system (or many remote systems). The default approach is to serially log in to the remote system with ssh, type the command (often as root or via sudo), extract the info, logout and go off to the next one.
There are a few ways to improve this approach. Hopefully this advice is unneeded but one of the ancillary advantages of ssh besides the encryption is its support of pre-shared public keys. That is, the use of a private key (a secret key NOT to be shared) and public key (that is meant to be shared) that are exchanged in the communication setup and that guarantee that:
both the remote and local machines are who they say they are and
that the messages exchanged are encrypted so that only the endpoints can decrypt the messages
Pre-shared keys as implemented by ssh also allow you to log in to the remote system without entering a password (using an empty passphrase - the keys are encrypted with a random seed instead of a human-generated passphrase.
It’s very easy to set up shared keys. This is multiply described all over the Intertubes, so I’ll just reference one I wrote and the Debian HOWTO. If you need more information there is Google.
Note that when you do this from your own account, only that account is authorized to connect to the specific remote account that you specified. In order to connect to the root account on the remote machine, needed to read or write rootish information, you’ll need some additional things.
First thing required is the permission on the remote machine to do this. You will need root or sudo permission to do this. I assume you’re already the admin so this will not be a problem. The next decision is whether to allow root logins directly at all. Allowing remote root logins has a variety of security implications that I will not discuss furher here. Suffice to say, this is a nontrivial decision.
This requires editing the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on the remote system and setting the PermitRootLogin to yes:
# /etc/ssh/sshd_config ... PermitRootLogin yes ...
Assuming you decide to do so, and you change the configuration of the /etc/ssh/sshd_config appropriately, and finally restart the sshd server (sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart), you can then arrange the ssh key exchange from root to root accounts from your machine to the remote machine. You can also arrange to exchange ssh keys from your regular account to the root account of the remote machine but that allows too little friction between thought and typing IMHO. A root action should require a password to be typed somewhere in the process to make you think twice about what you’re about to do.
Your root public key (generated when you initialized the keys) should be in the /root/.ssh dir named either id_dsa.pub or id_rsa.pub, depending on which key you chose during the key generation process. The contents of that file (a single line) has to be entered into the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys also in a single line.
Once that is done, the root account on your local machine can passwordlessly log into the root account of the remote machine. Now the fun begins.
3. Throwing your voice
ssh can not only be used as a terminal application but also to transmit commands directly to the remote machine simply by appending them (appropriately quoted) to the ssh command. By default, the STDOUT will be returned to the issuing terminal.
In the following example, ssh keys of hjm are shared between bongo and claw (claw is defined in my /etc/hosts file so can be referred to by its short name).
# NB: inserted comments are prefixed with '#' Wed Nov 24 09:11:20 [2.00 1.55 1.17] hjm@bongo:~ # my prompt # the remote command to hjm@claw is 'ls av*' $ ssh claw 'ls av*' # the output from claw follows as if it were local average average.m average_main.c average_mcc_component_data.c average.prj
The above example did not require any further interaction with the remote machine, so it would be useful to do things that were completable with the single command. Examples are commands such as the previous ls, checking disk usage with du, coying or deleting a file as long as it did not require any further interaction (non-interactive mode). If the command required interaction, you’ll require the -t flag which invokes a pseudo-tty (see immediately below).
4. ssh with the pseudo-tty option
Wikipedia defines a pseudo-tty as what it sounds like - a fake terminal. When you request a pseudo-tty (pty) with the -t flag, it allocates a pty to listen to the terminal commands now being sent back to the issuing ssh and handles them as if it were an actual terminal connection. In this way, you can answer queries from the remote machine, even edit a file without having logged into the remote machine.
This is most useful for short commands or interactions - if you were planning on spending the day doing admin, you’d want to actually be logged into the machine.
However, it’s very useful to do things such as upgrading when you might need to answer prompts about overwriting existing configuration files, doing interactive commands (rm -i, cp -i, etc), or even brief editing sessions.
This is also very useful for doing semi-regular, semi-complicated routines where you really only need to do one thing, but there may be some interaction needed. For example, we often have to add users to our cluster. We run a shell script which does a fair bit of customized setup and testing, and if there’s an exception, it requests input. To do this, I have an bash alias that incorporates the whole thing into a 4 letter acronym (auos = add user on sched) that depends on ssh -t:
alias auos='sudo ssh -t bduc-sched.nacs.uci.edu '\''home/hmangala/bduc/trunk/sge/add_bduc_user.sh'\''' # executed on my laptop which as: $ auos new_user_name # requires my password to sudo, then uses shared ssh keys to execute the task
5. Single vs multiple machines
This approach is useful for administration on single machines or one-off jobs on multiple machines for which you’re set up for shared keys, but what about for dealing with lots of machines?
For that, I (and others) have written more elaborate wrappers around ssh. I wrote one called clusterfork which has some interesting and (for me) useful features. I reference and provide links to a number of others that do somewhat similar tasks in the same doc. All are free.
As with any root command, be careful what you ask for.