1. HPC hints & tweaks

1.1. callee script breakage

There’s a script that runs on new HPC logins to have users self-identify for Garr’s accounting program, called:


(authored in the mists of time by Adam Brenner, modified by Edward).

which further calls a python routine that calls UCI’s LDAP server to identify the user’s PI:


Since the LDAP change-over, the LDAP call has been failing each time its run, confusing users and generating support tix.

It’s now fixed (until the next LDAP changeover). Also, this script is triggered if there’s not a user-named lockfile in


Somehow these locks have mostly become owed by root:staff instead of by the user, which causes errors should they try to re-run the script. I haven’t changed that since probably very few ppl will try that. just an FYI.

1.2. gnuplot file sizes

module purge; module load perl/5.26.1; module load gnuplot
cd <root of filesystem>
# fllowing also tees the 'ls -lR' into a file of same name
# to save the data should anything explode.
ls -lR | scut -f=4 | tee ls-lR | sort -gr | feedgnuplot \
 --extracmds 'set logscale y'

1.3. Restart KDE Window Manager

kwin --restart & # simple!

and the plasmashell (kpanel):

kquitapp plasmashell && kstart plasmashell
# or
kbuildsycoca5 && kquitapp plasmashell && kstart plasmashell

1.4. Setting Core Dumps

Because we don’t want everyone to be dumping corefiles all over the place, we allow coredumps on a one-off basis. Change the user in the file /data/shell-syswide-setup/system-wide-bashrc. The section below shows user anassar

if [ "$USER" != "anassar" ]; then
        ulimit -c 0

1.5. environment modules

See this page for all the module-related stuff.

2. System Administration

2.1. loadavg exceptions

Sometimes loadavg goes berserk for various reasons. The most frequent offender leading to this state is not things using the CPU since that’s obvious, but processes stuck in limbo, usually due to network disk mount problems. For example, we often have NFS disks that go walkabout and when users try to do an ls or du on those mounts, the process just hangs, driving up the loadavg, 1 unit per hung command. What commands are doing this is often difficult to discern, but the ps command has an option that will help.

From our CentOS 6.9 system

       Here are the different values that the s, stat and state output specifiers (header "STAT" or "S")
       will display to describe the state of a process.
    State   Explanation
       D    Uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)
       R    Running or runnable (on run queue)
       S    Interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
       T    Stopped, either by a job control signal or because it is being traced.
       W    paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel)
       X    dead (should never be seen)
       Z    Defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by its parent.

On another system, with slightly different explanations

State   Explanation
   D    Marks a process in disk (or other short term, uninterruptible) wait.
   I    Marks a process that is idle (sleeping for longer than about 20 seconds).
   L    Marks a process that is waiting to acquire a lock.
   R    Marks a runnable process.
   S    Marks a process that is sleeping for less than about 20 seconds.
   T    Marks a stopped process.
   W    Marks an idle interrupt thread.
   Z    Marks a dead process (a "zombie").

The D status flag in a ps output indicates that the process is disk wait state - waiting for the disk to respond. If it’s a hung NFS disk mount, NFS has the "feature" that it will not return a fugedaboutit, I’m dead, but a just stepped out, will be back soon, please wait signal so the requesting process will do just that. In some cases (NFS server rebooting),this is a good thing. In others (NFS server power supplies dead), not so much.

The extra apparent loadavg doesn’t affect the actual performance of the requesting server, but it screws up a lot of stats if you’re trying to use loadavg as an actual server load metric which many monitoring systems do (ganglia, for one).

So to track down the offending processes, search for those processes which are waiting on disk.

ps -e  u  | grep ' D '  # find all processes waiting on Disk
ps -e  u  | grep ' Ds ' # ditto

and kill them off. In many cases the 1st will find ls and du. The 2nd will often find instances of bash which have hung wating for disk reads to complete.

On our cluster, on a login node with 16 cores, which had a loadavg of 24, killing off those processes that were waiting on disk (using the D identifier) dropped the loadavg from 24 to 14. When I killed off those procs with Ds, loadavg continued to drop to the normal range ~ 1.5.

See here

2.2. How to figure out Hardware

It’s often useful to figure out what’s in a system remotely or without breaking open the case, or to catalog/query various bits of internal hardware. Herewith, 3 methods for doing so.

  • lspci - brief overview, doesn’t need root, can dump some interesting info such as with -k the kernel driver for that hardware, -vvv for everything known about the device

  • lshw - more detailed, doesn’t really correspond to physical layout. Also supports classes, but in a different way. Use lshw -short | less to get a short view with Class of device.

  • dmidecode - super detailed, should use DMI types to list the sections, otherwise it’s VERY long. (ie -t 9 are the PCI slots); corresponds better to the physical layout of the system.

2.3. Sensors

Scan all the sensors on a (modern) machine. Down to the NVME SSDs.

$ ipmitool sensor

CPU1 Temp        | 59.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
CPU2 Temp        | 58.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
System Temp      | 27.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
Peripheral Temp  | 37.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
MB_NIC_Temp1     | na         |            | na    | na        | na
MB_NIC_Temp2     | na         |            | na    | na        | na
VRMCpu1 Temp     | 37.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
VRMCpu2 Temp     | 38.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
VRMSoc1 Temp     | 52.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
VRMSoc2 Temp     | 52.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
VRMP1ABCD Temp   | 42.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
VRMP1EFGH Temp   | 32.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
VRMP2ABCD Temp   | 33.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
VRMP2EFGH Temp   | 43.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
P1-DIMMA1 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na
P1-DIMMA2 Temp   | 39.000     | degrees C  | ok    | 5.000     | 5.000
P1-DIMMB1 Temp   | na         |            | na    | na        | na

2.4. OS Maint

2.4.1. Change Dir to own files

This changes the ownership to sticky so that any files writ here will be owned by the dir owner.

chmod g+s dir

2.4.2. Boot single, ignoring fstab

From here.

Interrupt the boot (usually e) to edit the kernel boot line and add the following to the kernel line

kernel .... single rw init=/bin/bash

that should boot to single user mode, IGNORING the /etc/fstab enabling you to change it to correct a bad fstab entry (but haven’t tried it yet..)

2.4.3. Get MacOSX OS ver #

$ uname -a
Darwin flop.nac.uci.edu 9.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.7.0: Tue Mar 31
22:54:29 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.12.14~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh

# or

$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.5.7
BuildVersion:   9J61

2.4.4. Install MacOSX pkgs via cmdline

if the disk image OSXvnc1.71.dmg is downloaded at /Users/hjm

12:24:22 hjm@cg1 ~
72 $ hdiutil attach OSXvnc1.71.dmg
Checksumming Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0)...
     Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0): verified   CRC32 $876DBC1A
Checksumming Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1)...
     Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1): verified   CRC32 $3FC18960
Checksumming disk image (Apple_HFS : 2)...
          disk image (Apple_HFS : 2): verified   CRC32 $3A4E8BDD
Checksumming  (Apple_Free : 3).......
                    (Apple_Free : 3): verified   CRC32 $00000000
verified   CRC32 $3A457474
/dev/disk1              Apple_partition_scheme
/dev/disk1s1            Apple_partition_map
/dev/disk1s2            Apple_HFS                       /Volumes/OSXvnc

12:24:38 hjm@cg1 ~
73 $ df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/disk0s3         159955416 153355312   6344104  97% /
devfs                        1         1         0 100% /dev
fdesc                        1         1         0 100% /dev
<volfs>                    512       512         0 100% /.vol
/dev/disk1s2             10408      9528       880  92% /Volumes/OSXvnc

if it’s the standard MacOSX app, it is actually a folder which has all the bits inside it and it can be installed simply by copying it to the /Applications folder.

2.4.5. Reconfigure exim

Don’t bother trying to hand-edit all the options in the config file. MUCH easier to just run the reconfig routine and type in the correct settings. After trying to reset the hostname for many minutes but not being able to find it, I just re-ran this and all was well.

dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config  # (as root)

2.4.6. Make an initrd image to match your new kernel

yaird is easiest:

yaird --verbose --output=/boot/initrd.img-

(but got a fatal error the last time). However the update-initramfs tool from the initramfs-tools package.

update-initramfs -k -c -v

(spits out a lot of info about the build, but seems to work just fine).

2.4.7. Updating SL6.2 repos

2.4.8. Replicate a Debian system

It’s often convenient to be able to re-load all the packages from one syst to another (replicating an exisiting system, post-major upgrade on a system)

See this article or briefly:

on the old machine:

 dpkg --get-selections > pkginstalled

on the new machine:

$ dpkg --set-selections < pkginstalled
$ apt-get dselect-upgrade

If you get a bunch of warnings like: package blabla not in database

You’ll need to install and use the dselect package to set things right:

$ sudo apt-get install dselect
$ sudo dselect
   -> Update
   -> Install

2.4.9. List info about installed RPMs

'rpm -qa'    # lists all the rpms installed, for example.

2.4.10. List files in a .rpm

rpm -qlp yaddayadda.rpm  # list the files in a specific rpm
rpm -ql package-name     # list the files an already installed rpm

2.4.11. Unpack a RPMs

# this will unpack the rpm into a tree rooted at the cwd.
rpm2cpio thetarget.rpm | cpio -idmv

2.4.12. Rebuild the RPM database

yum clean all
rpm --rebuild

2.4.13. Repair a broken YUM database

yum clean metadata
yum clean dbcache
yum update

# or even
yum clean all

2.4.14. dpkg Cheatsheet

generate a list of all the installed packages in a way that they can be reinstalled or verified post install.

dpkg --get-selections |grep -v deinstall | cut -f1

2.4.15. Force a package to be installed, even if it conflicts with an existing package.

Sometimes even apt-get f*cks up. To unf*ck it, sometimes you have to force things a bit. Once the apt-get -f install command has failed in all its forms and you have no more fingernails to gnaw off, this may be useful

dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/whatever-deb-is-causing-the-problem......deb

This admittedly crude approach is invaluable once the above almost-always-works apt-get -f install fails. BUT, not to be taken lightly.

2.4.16. Create a USB from an ISO with 7z

7z x name-of-iso.iso -o/path/to/mounted/USB/drive

2.4.17. Correct the not a comR binary error booting from a USB

Mount the USB again on the PC. Then execute the following lines as root:

cp -r /usr/lib/syslinux/vesamenu.c32 </USB/mountpoint>/syslinux/
syslinux /dev/sdb1    # or whatever the device partition is.

2.4.18. ECC Memory errors

(from the clusterfork docs)

this requires that the EDAC system is activated, the kernel module is inserted correctly and that the logging is working correctly. On CentOS (>5.5) and the later Ubuntu releases (>= 10.04), it appears to be.

cd /sys/devices/system/edac/mc &&  grep [0-9]* mc*/csrow*/[cu]e_count

2.4.19. strace

Very useful utility to find out what an application is doing. ie strace -p [PID of process] See this page for some good examples.

To strace the children threads of a parent, try this:

ps -efL|grep <Process Name> |less

# Trace child processes as they are created by currently traced processes as
# a result of the fork(2) system call.
strace -f -p

and then find the child PIDs from that if you need them. From here

2.4.20. Updating /etc/init.d scripts

sudo update-rc.d <basename> defaults
# ie
sudo update-rc.d sgeexecd defaults

2.5. Filesystems, RAIDs, and Disks

2.5.1. Maintaining timestamps & ownership of tarchives

When tarchiving old dirs, it’s useful to maintain the ownership and timestamp for storage management.

To do this with a dir called freesurfer

$ ls -ltd freesurfer  # note the date and ownership
drwxr-xr-x 32 small braincircuits          59 Apr  7  2016 freesurfer

# get the current timestamp and owner of the dir
TS=`stat --printf=%y freesurfer`
OWNER=`ls -l freesurfer  | scut -f='2 3' --od='.'`

# tarchive the directory as root
tar -czf freesurfer.tar.gz freesurfer

# Note that the creator (root) owns the tarchive and the timestamp
# is the time of the creation (now)
$ ls -l freesurfer.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root.root 92860763662 Mar 25 08:56 freesurfer.tar.gz

# So rechown it:
$ chown $OWNER freesurfer.tar.gz

# and touch it to the original date:
$ touch -d"${TS}"  freesurfer.tar.gz

$ ls -lh  freesurfer.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 small braincircuits 87G Apr  7  2016 freesurfer.tar.gz

2.5.2. ulimit & open files

$ sysctl fs.file-nr
fs.file-nr = 5504       0       26301393
#   where the #s above mean:
#         <in_use> <unused_but_allocated> <maximum>

# what a users file descriptor limit is
 $ ulimit -Hn

#  how many file descriptors are in use by a user
$ lsof -u <username>   2>/dev/null | wc -l

2.5.3. BeeGFS commands

(from dfs-3-1)

BeeGFS GUI: Password: admin java -jar /opt/beegfs/beegfs-admon-gui/beegfs-admon-gui.jar

BeeGFS Usefull Commands: beegfs-check-servers beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=metadata --details beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=storage --details beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=client --details beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=management --details beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=storage --state beegfs-ctl --listtargets --nodetype=meta --state

Optimization: /data/system-files/dfs3-optimize.sh

ZFS Useful commands:

zpool status
zfs get compressratio
zpool get all | grep autoreplace

List Drives byUUID and Serial /data/system-files/dfs3-list-drives-by-uuid-serial.sh

2.5.4. remount specific BeeGFS

ie for /dfs3

    service beegfs-client  stop dfs3
    service beegfs-helperd stop dfs3

    service beegfs-helperd start dfs3
    service beegfs-client  start dfs3

    # or simply

    service beegfs-client  restart dfs3
    service beegfs-helperd restart dfs3

2.5.5. ZFS commands

See this link for a very good description of ZFS on Debian Linux. The commands blow are largely taken from that doc.

  • zpool create poolname devices creates a simple RAID0 of the devices named. ie: zpool create tank sde sdf sdg sdh (note that you don’t have to use the full device name). And You shouldn’t use raw device names anyway, but the disk UIDs which are found in /dev/disk/by-id

  • zpool status [poolname] will dump the status of that pool. If the poolname is omitted, zpool will dump the status of all the pools it knows about.

  • zfs get all [poolname]/[folder] | grep compressratio will dump the compression ratios for the pool mentioned (see here)

  • zfs get all will dump everything it knows about the ZFS pools, disk, EVERYTHING. pipe it into less.

  • zfs set mountpoint=/foo_mount data will make zfs mount your data pool to a designated foo_mount point of your choice.

  • zpool events will dump all the events that it has detected.

2.5.6. mdadm stopping RAIDS

In order for mdadm to stop a RAID, the RAID needs to be unused by other processes. Even if it appears to be untouched by local processes (via lsof or fuser), if the FS is NFS-exported, it can still be locked by remote processes even tho they are not immediately associated with the FS.

mdadm will complain that it can’t stop the RAID:

[root@compute-3-9 ~]# mdadm --stop /dev/md0
mdadm: Cannot get exclusive access to /dev/md0:Perhaps a running process, mounted filesystem or active volume group?

and fuser will list ie

[root@compute-3-9 compute-3-9]# fuser -m /compute-3-9
/compute-3-9:            1rce     2rc     3rc     4rc     5rc     6rc
    7rc    8rc     9rc    10rc    11rc    12rc    13rc    14rc    15rc
   16rc    17rc    18rc    19rc    20rc    21rc    22rc    23rc    24rc
   25rc    26rc    27rc    28rc    29rc    30rc    31rc    32rc    33rc
   34rc    35rc    36rc    37rc    38rc    39rc    40rc    41rc    42rc
   43rc    44rc    45rc    46rc    47rc    48rc    49rc    50rc  ...

So you need to stop the NFS service as well as as killing off all the other processes (or letting them finish) with th emore polite umount -l /dev/md0 (umounts the FS but lets the current open files close naturally)

Once you stop the NFS services:

[root@compute-3-9 ~]# /etc/init.d/nfs stop
Shutting down NFS daemon:                                  [  OK  ]
Shutting down NFS mountd:                                  [  OK  ]
Shutting down NFS quotas:                                  [  OK  ]
Shutting down NFS services:                                [  OK  ]
Shutting down RPC idmapd:                                  [  OK  ]

[root@compute-3-9 ~]# mdadm --stop /dev/md0
mdadm: stopped /dev/md0

mdadm can stop the raid (as long as there are no more processes accessing it.)

2.5.7. deleting the mdadm RAID info from the disks

If you want to use the disks from one mdadm raid in another, you’ll have to blank them 1st by removing the superblock info.

ie, if your raid reports itself as:

$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
md127 : active (auto-read-only) raid5 sdc1[0] sdf1[4] sde1[2] sdd1[1]
      8790790656 blocks super 1.1 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]
      bitmap: 0/22 pages [0KB], 65536KB chunk

unused devices: <none>

then you’ll have to stop it first (described in more detail above):

Fri May 22 15:42:38 root@pbs2:~
247 $ mdadm --stop /dev/md127
mdadm: stopped /dev/md127

and finally erase the superblock info:

$ for II in sdc1 sdf1 sde1 sdd1; do  mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/${II}; done
# all gone.

Now you can remove the disks and re-use them in another system.

2.5.8. replacing a disk in an mdadm RAID

DO NOT JUST PULL THE BAD DISK OUT If you do, see below.

The correct way to replace a disk in a mdadm RAID is to:

  1. mdadm fail the disk

  2. mdadm remove the disk

  3. only then physically remove the disk (if you have a hotswap backplane) or

  4. power down the system and THEN remove the disk, then power the system back up

  5. add the disk back into the RAID.

In this case, it’s /dev/sdc, from both /proc/mdstat and dmesg:

cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
md0 : active raid5 sdf[5] sdd[2] sdc[1](F) sde[6] sdb[0]
      11721064448 blocks super 1.0 level 5, 1024k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/4] [U_UUU]
# note that '[U_UUU]' - that shows that the second disk in the RAID has died.
# in this case, it's /dev/sdc, from both the postional info in the [U_UUU]
# and from the dmesg output, which looks like this:
end_request: I/O error, dev sdc, sector 5439271384
end_request: I/O error, dev sdc, sector 5439271384
md/raid:md0: read error not correctable (sector 5439271384 on sdc).
sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc] Unhandled sense code
sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc]
sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc]
sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc]
sd 3:0:0:0: [sdc] CDB:
end_request: I/O error, dev sdc, sector 5439272072
end_request: I/O error, dev sdc, sector 5439272072
md/raid:md0: read error not correctable (sector 5439272072 on sdc).

The bad disk can also be identified by close inspection of the LEDs if they’re connected to the activity monitor pins:

ls -lR /raid/mount/point

Will cause all the disks into blinking/read activity, EXCEPT the bad disk. Now that we know which disk, we can replace it.

The 1st step is to fail it.

# the bad disk is /dev/sdc (the whole disk; not just a partition)
# and in this case, we have a hotswap backplane
BADDISK=/dev/sdc  # for ease of reference

# the 1st step is to 'mdadm fail' it.
mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --fail $BADDISK
mdadm: set /dev/sdc faulty in /dev/md0

# then 'mdadm remove' it
mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --remove $BADDISK
mdadm: hot removed /dev/sdc from /dev/md0

# ONLY THEN, physically pull the disk.  Once it has been replaced with a disk
# of AT LEAST the same size, and the disk has spun up and been detected by the OS
# 'mdadm add' the new disk (which we still refer to as $BADDISK)
# mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add $BADDISK
mdadm: added /dev/sdc

# then check with /proc/mdstat again
cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
md0 : active raid5 sdc[7] sdf[5] sdd[2] sde[6] sdb[0]
      11721064448 blocks super 1.0 level 5, 1024k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/4] [U_UUU]
      [==>..................]  recovery = 11.1% (326363808/2930266112)
      finish=438.4min speed=98984K/sec

If you drop a disk, make sure to fail the failed disk BEFORE you physically remove it.

However if you don’t do that, you can still recover, in a very nervous way: (In the following example, /dev/sdb went bad and I stupidly removed it without failing it out of the RAID6 1st. That means that mdadm lost track of sdb and I wasn’t able to add the replacement back in. When I tried to, I got:

$ mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdc
mdadm: add new device failed for /dev/sdb as 6: Invalid argument

In order to repair the RAID6 now, you have to re-create the RAID and THEN add the previously failed disk back in.

  • stop the mdadm raid: mdadm -S /dev/md0

  • re-create the RAID:

# note the 'missing' value in the create line which acts as a placeholder
mdadm --create /dev/md0 --assume-clean --level=6 --verbose --raid-devices=6 \
/dev/sda missing /dev/sdc  /dev/sdd  /dev/sde  /dev/sdf
#        ^^^^^^^
mdadm: layout defaults to left-symmetric
mdadm: layout defaults to left-symmetric
mdadm: chunk size defaults to 512K
mdadm: /dev/sda appears to be part of a raid array:
       level=raid6 devices=6 ctime=Thu Apr 16 10:33:32 2015
mdadm: /dev/sdc appears to be part of a raid array:
       level=raid6 devices=6 ctime=Thu Apr 16 10:33:32 2015
mdadm: /dev/sdd appears to be part of a raid array:
       level=raid6 devices=6 ctime=Thu Apr 16 10:33:32 2015
mdadm: /dev/sde appears to be part of a raid array:
       level=raid6 devices=6 ctime=Thu Apr 16 10:33:32 2015
mdadm: /dev/sdf appears to be part of a raid array:
       level=raid6 devices=6 ctime=Thu Apr 16 10:33:32 2015
mdadm: size set to 2930135040K
mdadm: automatically enabling write-intent bitmap on large array
Continue creating array? y
mdadm: Defaulting to version 1.2 metadata
mdadm: array /dev/md0 started.
  • then ad the new /dev/sdb back:

[root@compute-7-1 /]# mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdb
mdadm: added /dev/sdb

[root@compute-7-1 /]# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
md0 : active raid6 sdb[6] sdf[5] sde[4] sdd[3] sdc[2] sda[0]
      11720540160 blocks super 1.2 level 6, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [6/5] [U_UUUU]
      [>....................]  recovery =  0.0% (562176/2930135040) finish=1129.0min speed=43244K/sec
      bitmap: 0/22 pages [0KB], 65536KB chunk
  • now it can be mounted and used as it’s rebuilding.

2.5.9. Wiping disks

Truly wiping disks to prevent the NSA from recovering yur data is fairly pointless since they have so many other avenues to that data. However, it you want to pass on a laptop or sell an old disk on ebay without allowing your private info to be easily recovered, you can try dd or badblocks as described below: dd without a count parameter will just keep going until it hits the end of the disk so the time to finish will be proportional to the size of the disk and the speed at which it can be forced to write (modern disks write at about 100MB/s so a 3TB disk will take ~ 8.3hr to wipe the entire disk this way. Older disk of the older laptop size will be smaller (say 80GB) and slower (say 50MB/s), so such a disk will take about an hour.

dd bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd#


dd bs=1M if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sd#


badblocks -wvs /dev/sd#

See this superuser thread for a longer discussion and more hints.

2.5.10. Remount running filesystems to change options

Sometimes it’s useful to change options when a filesystem is running. This is possible and safe with modern Liux systems.

mount -o remount,rw,noatime,nodiratime,swalloc,largeio,barrier,sunit=512,swidth=8192,allocsize=32m,inode64 /raid2

examining /etc/mtab should show you that the option has changed.

2.5.11. Re-setup Fraunhofer on HPC nodes

Need to reset the env variables HPC_CURRENT_KERNEL_RPM ON THE NODE THAT you’re trying to fix

export HPC_CURRENT_KERNEL_RPM=/data/node-setup/node-files/rpms/kernel/whatever_it_is
# like this:
# export HPC_CURRENT_KERNEL_RPM=/data/node-setup/node-files/rpms/kernel/kernel-2.6.32-358.18.1.el6.x86_64.rpm
# and then...
/data/node-setup/add-fhgfs.sh  # this is pretty robust.

2.5.12. Mounting/remounting multiple Fhgfs mounts

From Adam Brenner:

to restart /fast-scratch we would use:

  service fhgfs-helperd restart fast-scratch
  service fhgfs-client restart fast-scratch

Like wise, for /dfs1 (distributed filesystem 1)

  service fhgfs-helperd restart dfs1
  service fhgfs-client restart dfs1

2.5.13. Remove LSI Foreign info

When the disk that you’re trying to use has some info designating it as part of another array or somehow non-native, you have to clear the foreign info. Not easy to find, but the storcli does have a command for it.

# on controller 0, for all foreign disks, clear the foreign info
./storcli /c0/fall  del

2.5.14. Dump all relevant SMART info to a file

# then grep out the useful bits
egrep '== /dev'\|'^Model'\|'^Device Model'\|'^Serial'\|'^Firm'\|'5 Reall'\|'9 Power'\|'187 Rep'\|'197 Cur'\|'198 Off'\|'199 UDMA'\|'^ATA Error'\|'Extended offline'

# or with simpler plain grep:

grep '== /dev\|^Model\|^Device Model\|^Serial\|^Firm\|5 Reall\|9 Power\|187 Rep\|197 Cur\|198 Off\|199 UDMA\|^ATA Error\|Extended offline'

2.5.15. Remove 3ware RAID info from a disk

(this should also work with disks from LSI controllers - testing now) This will remove the 3ware RAID info so the disk won’t show up as being part of a previous RAID. This is quite disconcerting when a supposedly newly tested disk comes up as a failed RAID. This has been verified at least 10x by me as well.

In order to have direct access to the disk, need to pull it and place into another computer, easiest is another compute node, but can also do it on a desktop with the appropriate controller (dumb controllers are best; HW controllers will tend to interpose their own overhead and presentation to the OS). If the OS presents the test disk directly in the form of /dev/sdX, that’s good.

DISK=sdX  # where X is the device of interest.  Prob not 'a'
COUNT=2048  # indicator of how much overwrite you want to do on begin & end

LBAS=$(cat /sys/block/$DISK/size)
echo "LBAS = $LBAS"
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$DISK bs=512 count=$COUNT
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$DISK bs=512 seek=$(($LBAS-$COUNT)) count=$COUNT

2.5.16. Pull SMART data: 3ware 9750

Note that this only works on SATA disks on the 9750, not SAS disks.

If the 3DM2 interface shows ECC errors on a SATA disk, or other hard to figure out error, you can view the SMART info on a per-disk basis from behind the 3ware 9759 using the smartctl CLI. This will allow you to check the severity of the error. ie the 3DM2 interface will tell you that there is an ECC error but will not tell you whether this has resulted in uncorrectable reallocs (BAD), or whether the ECCs trigggered a correction - a valid realloc (not uncommon). You don’t want to see hundreds of reallocs, especially if they’re increasing in #, but having a low and stable number of reallocs is acceptable (depending on your budget and your definition of acceptable).

Otherwise, in order to check the error state of the disk, you have to pull the disk to examine it on another machine, causing a degraded array, and a several-hour rebuild.

The smartctl man pages does not make this very clear, but the sequences of devices that you have to query is not the /dev/twl[#] but the -d 3ware,start-finish. ie you use the same /dev/twl0 and iterate over the 3ware,start-finish as shown below. In my case, the active numbers are 8-43 in a 36-slot Supermicro chassis. Yours may be anything, but I would suggest starting at 0 and going as high as you need to catch the beginning sequence. I included the (seq 7 44) to see if any of the chassis' started numbering outside of that range. In my case they didn’t.

The grep filter just grabs the bits I’m interested in. You’ll have to look at the smartctl output to decide what you want. You can see what gets grabbed in the example output below.

$ for II in $(seq 7 44); do \
  echo "== $II =="; \
  smartctl -a -d 3ware,${II} /dev/twl0 | \
  egrep 'Device Model'\|'Serial Number'\|'^  5 '\|'^  9 '\|'^187'\|'^198'\|'^199'; \

And output is…

.... (much deleted)

== 42 ==
Device Model:     ST3000DM001-9YN166
Serial Number:    W1F0BZCA
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   036    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   084   084   000    Old_age   Always       -       14271
187 Reported_Uncorrect      0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    0x003e   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
== 43 ==
Device Model:     ST3000DM001-9YN166
Serial Number:    W1F0A83L
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   036    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   084   084   000    Old_age   Always       -       14271
187 Reported_Uncorrect      0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    0x003e   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
== 44 ==
 ... (no output, showing that the sequence stops at 43)

2.5.17. Pull SMART data: LSI SAS2008 Falcon

This is one of the best controllers for ZFS, which has an lspci string like this:

03:00.0 Serial Attached SCSI controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon] (rev 03)

In order to extract the SMART data from this controller, you have to use the /dev/sgX syntax:

# this takes about 45s to run on a 36 disk chassis
rm -f diskscan;
for ii in $(seq 0 39); do
  echo "== /dev/sg${ii} ==" >> diskscan;
  smartctl -iHA -l error -l selftest /dev/sg${ii} >> diskscan;

for ii in b c d; do echo >> diskscan; egrep == /dev\|Model\|Device Model\|Serial\|Firm\|5 Reall\|9 Power\|187 Rep\|197 Cur\|198 Off\|199 UDMA\|^ATA Error\|Extended offline >> diskscan; done

2.5.18. Pull SMART data: LSI MegaRAID

Similarly, the smartmontools can pull a more limited amount of info from SAS disks connected to an LSI MegaRAID controller. In the following, the controller is an LSI Nytro 81004i with a total of 36 Hitachi SAS disks in 2 RAIDs of 17 disks each with 1 Global Hot Spare and 1 spare disk.

The disks themselves can be probed with an iteration (similar to the 3ware controllers above) starting from 6 and going to 43 for some reason on this (36bay Supermicro) chassis. An example output is shown below.

# for SAS disks
$ smartctl -a -d megaraid,6  /dev/sdb

# for SATA disks '-d sat+megaraid,6' - 'megaraid' by itself isn't sufficient.
# where the ',6' is the disk slot number
# depending on the chassis and how it's wired, this number can start at 6,7,or
# 8 and go as high as the number of slots + the initial offset.
# the '/dev/sdb' is the device that the RAID controller presents to the OS.

# can also invoke tests on the SAS disks as well as the SATA disks with:
# smartctl -t short  -d megaraid,24  /dev/sdb
# (note that the '/dev/sdb' can also be /dev/sda in the above, if the disks
# are presented as 2 arrays. It just needs to be able to find the right controller
# and either of the 2 will point to it.

smartctl 5.43 2012-06-30 r3573 [x86_64-linux-2.6.32-431.5.1.el6.x86_64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-12 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net

Vendor:               HITACHI
Product:              HUS723030ALS640
Revision:             A350
User Capacity:        3,000,592,982,016 bytes [3.00 TB]
Logical block size:   512 bytes
Logical Unit id:      0x5000cca03e5f8fa4
Serial number:                YVHPK6LK
Device type:          disk
Transport protocol:   SAS
Local Time is:        Tue Feb 18 12:50:18 2014 PST
Device supports SMART and is Enabled
Temperature Warning Enabled
SMART Health Status: OK

Current Drive Temperature:     32 C
Drive Trip Temperature:        85 C
Manufactured in week 48 of year 2012
Specified cycle count over device lifetime:  50000
Accumulated start-stop cycles:  17
Specified load-unload count over device lifetime:  600000
Accumulated load-unload cycles:  325
Elements in grown defect list: 0
Vendor (Seagate) cache information
  Blocks sent to initiator = 688410477985792

Error counter log:
           Errors Corrected by           Total   Correction     Gigabytes    Total
               ECC          rereads/    errors   algorithm      processed    uncorrected
           fast | delayed   rewrites  corrected  invocations   [10^9 bytes]  errors
read:          0    55798         0     55798    6350629     140344.648           0
write:         0    93714         0     93714      16256      10074.763           0
verify:        0       20         0        20       1258          1.040           0

Non-medium error count:        0
No self-tests have been logged
Long (extended) Self Test duration: 27182 seconds [453.0 minutes]

Note that this doesn’t have nearly the same amount of status info as it can pull from SATA disks.

An example script to pull all the interesting data from an array (ie /dev/sdb) would be:

for II in $(seq 6 43); do
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo "==== Slot $II ===="
  smartctl -a -d megaraid,${II}  $RAID | egrep 'Vendor'\|'Product'\|'Serial number'

or as a 'one-liner':
RAID="/dev/sdb";for II in $(seq 6 43); do  echo ""; echo ""; echo "==== Slot $II ====";\
smartctl -a -d megaraid,${II}  $RAID; done

# pipe output thru egrep "ID1|ID2" ID3|etc" to filter the ones you want as above.

As an aside, the bash expression {a..z} does the same thing for characters.

$ echo {a..g}
a b c d e f g

$ for II in {j..o}; do echo $II; done

2.5.19. rsync trailing /s

There’s a quirk with rsync that is not a bug, but a required finesse. Most Linux utilities don’t care if you include a trailing "/". rsync does and it makes a difference both in the source and target. f you append the "/" to the source, but NOT the target, it tells rsync to sync the individual CONTENTS of the source to the target.

rsync -av nco-4.2.6 moo:~/tnco

results in what you usually expect:

Tue May 17 10:29:14 [0.11 0.12 0.13]  hjm@moo:~/tnco
509 $ ls

Tue May 17 10:30:02 [0.29 0.15 0.15]  hjm@moo:~/tnco
512 $ ls -w 70 nco-4.2.6/
COPYING      acinclude.m4  bld/         configure.eg  m4/
INSTALL      aclocal.m4    bm/          configure.in  man/
Makefile.am  autobld/      config.h.in  data/         qt/
Makefile.in  autogen.sh*   configure*   doc/          src/

BUT if you append the trailing "/" to the source, you get the CONTENTS of the source synced to the target:

Tue May 17 10:31:31 [0.17 0.17 0.16]  hjm@moo:~/tnco
516 $ ls -w 70
COPYING      acinclude.m4  bld/         configure.eg  m4/
INSTALL      aclocal.m4    bm/          configure.in  man/
Makefile.am  autobld/      config.h.in  data/         qt/
Makefile.in  autogen.sh*   configure*   doc/          src/

If you append a trailing "/" to the target, makes no difference.

rsync -av nco-4.2.6 moo:~/tnco
# and
rsync -av nco-4.2.6 moo:~/tnco/

will both result in the result immediately above.


rsync -av nco-4.2.6 moo:~/tnco
# followed by
rsync -av nco-4.2.6/ moo:~/tnco

will result in a double syncing, with one set of files in the target dir and the second in a subdir named moo:~/tnco/nco-4.2.6.

so be careful. You generally want the format WITHOUT any "/"s.

2.5.20. rsync in/exclude patterns

This is a good overview in understandable English.

2.5.21. Quickly delete bazillions of files with rsync

the following rsync command will recursively delete files about 10X faster than the usual rm -rf. See this link to read about it in more detail. It works.

mkdir empty
rsync -a --delete empty/ targetdir/
# note that both dirs have a '/' at the end of the dir name. THIS IS REQUIRED

# the above command will leave the top level dir, so follow with
rm -rf targetdir/

2.5.22. And even quicker with Perl

Same link as above.

perl -e 'for(<*>){((stat)[9]<(unlink))}'

Careful - this microscript is recursive and non-interactive.

2.5.23. Testing an mdadm RAID to check that the mail notification is working

sudo mdadm --monitor --scan -1 -m 'hmangala@uci.edu' -t
# should have the email in the /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf file already tho.

2.5.24. Primitive daily mdadm email notification

This section has been expanded into an entire doc, covering a number of controllers with proprietary software as well as the Linux software RAID system mdadm.

crontab -l:

07  12   *   *   *   cat /proc/mdstat| mutt -s 'PBS1 mdadm check' hmangala@uci.edu

2.5.25. More sophisticated way of using email/mdadm checking

# this is the query command which gives a nice overview of the RAID
/sbin/mdadm -Q --detail /dev/mdX

# this is the entry for a crontab which would send an email that has an easy
# to read subject line with details in the email body:
# (all in one line for a contab entry)
4   6,20  *   *   *   SUB=`/sbin/mdadm -Q --detail /dev/md0 |grep 'State:'`; \
 /sbin/mdadm -Q --detail /dev/md0 | mutt -s "DUST RAID: $SUB"  hmangala@uci.edu

# if the node has multiple mdadm RAIDs, you can do all at once with:
05  6,20   *   *   *   SUB=/sbin/mdadm -Q --detail /dev/md0 /dev/md1 \
 /dev/md2 |grep 'State :' | cut -f2 -d':' | tr '\n' ' ' ; /sbin/mdadm -Q \
 --detail /dev/md0 /dev/md1 /dev/md2 | mutt -s "BDUC-LOGIN MDADM RAIDs: \
 $SUB" hmangala@uci.edu

2.5.26. Assembling a pre-existing RAID on a new OS.

The problem is that you had a RAID running perfectly on another OS and the system disk dies or had to be replaced for other reasons, or you needed to upgrade it with a bare-metal replacement. How do you resucitate a pre-existing RAID? It’s very difficult:

$ mdadm -A [the-old-array-name]
$ mdadm -A /dev/md0
 mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 4 drives.

# mdadm queries the system, finds the disks, examines the embedded config info and restarts the RAID as before.

$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
md0 : active raid5 sdb1[0] sde1[4] sdd1[2] sdc1[1]
      8790400512 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]

mdadm is VERY smart.

2.5.27. Prepping an old mdadm array for a new array

you have to stop the old array before you can re-use the disks.

mdadm --stop /dev/md_d0 (or whatever the old array is called)

and then you can re-use the disks, altho you may have to force mdadm to continue to include them into the new array, like this (from man mdadm):

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/hd[ac]1
# Create /dev/md0 as a RAID1 array consisting of /dev/hda1 and /dev/hdc1.

echo 'DEVICE /dev/hd*[0-9] /dev/sd*[0-9]' > mdadm.conf
mdadm --detail --scan >> mdadm.conf

The above will create a prototype config file that describes currently active arrays that are known to be made from partitions of IDE or SCSI drives. This file should be reviewed before being used as it may contain unwanted detail.

2.5.28. Replace a disk from an mdadm RAIDX

briefly: remove the bad partition (in the below example, sdc1), from the RAID:

mdadm --manage /dev/md0 -r /dev/sdc1

Then power-off the machine if it doesn’t have hot-swap slots and replace the disk (careful about which one it is); always a good idea to test what you think is the failed disk with a USB IDE/SATA cable set.

Then power on the machine (mdadm should flash a console message that the raid is operating in a degraded state) and once it’s up, format the new disk like the old disk The URL above says you can do it with:

sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdc

where /dev/sda is one of the pre-existing disks and /dev/sdc is the new disk. see man sfdisk

If you’re going to use fdisk or cfdisk, use disk type FD for Linux RAID AUTODETECT), and re-add the disk to the RAID with:

mdadm --manage /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdc1

Look at /proc/mdstat to check the rebuild status.

2.5.29. Find the Disk UUIDs for specifying disks in /etc/fstab

Use blkid. See below.

While a pain and not intuitive (like /dev/sdc3 is intuitive?), using the disk UUIDs will prevent disk order swapping and possible data loss when reformatting the disk you thought was /dev/sdb and on reboot, turned into /dev/sda.


$ sudo ssh a64-182
Last login: Tue Oct  9 09:55:45 2012 from bduc-login.bduc
[root@a64-182 ~]# blkid
/dev/sda: UUID="d274d4cf-9b09-4ed2-a66d-7c568be7ea45" TYPE="xfs"
/dev/sdb1: LABEL="/boot" UUID="510f25d0-abee-4cb1-8f1e-e7bccc37d79b" /SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
/dev/sdb2: LABEL="SWAP-sda2" TYPE="swap"
/dev/sdb3: LABEL="/" UUID="d0d4bc25-3e48-4ee6-8119-9ce54079ee83" /SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"

2.5.30. Label your disks correctly in Ubuntu/Kubuntu

To list your devices, first put connect your USB device (it does not need to be mounted).

By volume label:

ls /dev/disk/by-label -lah

By id:

ls /dev/disk/by-id -lah

By uuid:

ls /dev/disk/by-uuid -lah

IMO, LABEL is easiest to use as you can set a label and it is human readable. The format to use instead of the device name in the fstab file is:

LABEL=<label> (Where <label> is the volume label name, ex. "data").
UUID=<uuid> (Where <uuid> is some alphanumeric (hex) like fab05680-eb08-4420-959a-ff915cdfcb44).

Again, IMO, using a label has a strong advantage with removable media (flash drives).

2.5.31. Mount UCI Webfiles as a filesystem

# hjm still works.
$ sudo mount -t davfs https://webfiles.uci.edu/hmangala  /home/hjm/webdav

2.5.32. 3ware tw_cli manual…

2.5.33. Mount the NACS file tree via WebDAV

$ sudo  mount -t davfs https://www.nacs.uci.edu/dav dav

2.5.34. Default Passwords for RAID Controllers

Areca: BIOS and web interface are set on the controller and are therefore the same for either access mechanism. The default login is admin and 0000.

Interestingly, there is a MASTER password that will allow you to unlock the controller (only at the BIOS level). Works with the ARC-1110, ARC-1160, ARC-1120, ARC-1160, ARC-1220, and probably many more. May need to enter #s from the keyboard, not the numeric keypad.

aaa############ a = alphabet; # = numbers

3ware: For the 3DM2 web interface, for both User and Admin, it’s 3ware. Don’t know about the BIOS level passwords, if any. If lost, the password can be reset by stopping the 3dm2 daemons, then copying in a known encrypted password from another system into the right place in the /etc/3dm2/3dm2.conf file and then re-starting the 3dm2 daemons again.

2.5.35. Fixing the u? status when inserting drives in 3ware 9750-controlled arrays

(Wed Jan 30 PST 2013) (Possibly impacts other 3ware arrays as well.) Had this problem recently when some disks previously used in arrays as well as some disks NOT used in arrays were inserted and reported their type as u? when listed by the tw_cli utility.

It should have looks like this when it was sensed by the controller:

p43   OK             -    2.73 TB   SATA  -   /c6/e1/slt2  ST3000DM001-9YN166

but instead looked like this:

p43   OK             u?    2.73 TB   SATA  -   /c6/e1/slt2  ST3000DM001-9YN166

This implies that it had previously been defined as a unit but could not be recognized as such anymore. There is an option that supposedly allows this type of buggered unit to be cleared [Clear Configuration] (in the Web GUI, under Management → Maintenance, at bottom of page). However in my case, this did not work. LSI support gave this explanation:

Assuming that the drive was connected to a 9000 series [it was],  erasing the last 1024 sectors
would erase the dcb data, You can use dd to do this but please I am not responsible for
you erasing your data so make sure that you know which drive dd is running on

Ex:   dd if=/dev/zero  of=/dev/sda bs=512 seek=(sector-size-1024) count=1024

replacing sector-size with actual number of the drive.

cat /sys/block/sda/size should show the actual sector numbers.  Replace /dev/sda with actual device ID

The simpler way is reboot and use 3BM (3ware bios manager) to create a spare.
Press ALT+3 then select the available drive and press s.

Obviously, in a production system, you can’t bring the system down to play around with the 3BM. A support ticket has been lodged with LSI about this.

Be careful of what controller you use

Because >2TB disks are routinely used for large arrays, and because older disk controllers are often incapable of handling the larger partition tables or even the raw devices, be careful of what controller you use to write to such disks. In my case, I initially used an LSI 1068 SAS controller which blithely went ahead and did what I asked, failing to write past 2TB with only a short cryptic message. I should have asked Mr Google about this before using this disk. As it turned out, I found an Areca 1110 4-port controller which (with a firmware & BIOS update) did support 3TB disks.

It may help to check with dmesg to see if the whole IO stack agrees on what the disks are:

$ dmesg |grep sd[ab] | grep logical
[    0.902324] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] 5860533168 512-byte logical blocks: (3.00 TB/2.72 TiB)
[    0.902487] sd 2:0:0:1: [sdb] 5860533168 512-byte logical blocks: (3.00 TB/2.72 TiB)

In the end, the approach described by LSI support did work, once the controller could handle a 3TB disk.

2.5.36. Clear a filesystem of gluster cruft to make a new one

(from Joe Julian) Gluster uses extended attributes to set up the filesystem to perform its magic. You have to:

  • stop the gluster volume

  • delete the gluster volume

  • stop all gluster daemons

  • delete the extended attributes

  • delete the /fs/.glusterfs dir

# on all gluster server nodes
gluster volume stop $VOLNAME
gluster volume delete $VOLNAME
/etc/init.d/glusterd stop                # on ALL nodes and check that glusterfsd is also stopped
setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id /raid1
setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id /raid2
setfattr -x trusted.gfid /raid1 /raid2
rm -rf /raid[12]/.glusterfs

# now it should be clean, so can init a new glusterfs.
/etc/init.d/glusterd start   # on all nodes
# following on 'master' node
gluster volume create nytro transport tcp
gluster volume start nytro

2.5.37. Gluster server overload

Every once in a while, a gluster server will go into huge overload. During this time, it will process almost no IO (via ifstat) and therefore it can generally be restarted with few (but not NO) file IO failures.

The following command will restart glusterd and the glusterfsd’s that run each brick (on our gluster, there are 2 bricks per server)

/etc/init.d/glusterd restart
sleep 15
ps aux |grep gluster

BUT make sure that after the restart, ALL the glusterfsd’s are running. I’ve done this and only one of two glusterfsd’s came up the 1st time. You should see one glusterd and 2 glusterfsd’s

root     11350  0.1  0.0 252788 11244 ?        Ssl  12:37   0:00 /usr/sbin/glusterd --pid-file=/var/run/glusterd.pid
root     11360  1.0  0.0 870924 19364 ?        Ssl  12:37   0:02 /usr/sbin/glusterfsd -s localhost --volfile-id gl.bs3.raid1 -p /var/lib/glusterd/vols/gl/run/bs3-raid1.pid -S /tmp/2cdf0105a74654b3d162477dd7e25628.socket --brick-name /raid1 -l /var/log/glusterfs/bricks/raid1.log --xlator-option *-posix.glusterd-uuid=cd8ccc7e-4be9-4df3-8c39-f2d1ce76734b --brick-port 24009 24010 --xlator-option gl-server.transport.rdma.listen-port=24010 --xlator-option gl-server.listen-port=24009
root     11365  1.9  0.0 737800 23300 ?        Ssl  12:37   0:04 /usr/sbin/glusterfsd -s localhost --volfile-id gl.bs3.raid2 -p /var/lib/glusterd/vols/gl/run/bs3-raid2.pid -S /tmp/eaa9f64862d4967e50adacaf34758850.socket --brick-name /raid2 -l /var/log/glusterfs/bricks/raid2.log --xlator-option *-posix.glusterd-uuid=cd8ccc7e-4be9-4df3-8c39-f2d1ce76734b --brick-port 24011 24012 --xlator-option gl-server.transport.rdma.listen-port=24012 --xlator-option gl-server.listen-port=24011

Check with

Generally, files that are in flight or have been marked as written by the controller during this problem may well be lost since the glusterfsd daemons will restart and the IO that they should have processed will be unacknowledged. On the other hand, to wait to clear all the users and do a smooth total FS shutdown will affect far more users and files.

2.5.38. Weird question mark in dir listing


drwxr-xr-x 108 root      root      12288 2012-04-17 18:38 etc
d?????????   ? ?         ?             ?                ? gl   <!!!!
drwxr-xr-x 412 root      root      12288 2012-04-17 14:16 home

happens when a dir has been used as a mount point and the mounting device has gone awol (in the above case, a gluster volume has been stopped). It’s disconcerting bc there’s no way to tell what has happened.

The solution is to explicitly umount the dir which will magically cause it to be fixed:

# continuing the above example:
$ umount /gl
# ls -ld /gl
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2012-03-18 22:14 /gl

2.5.39. Restarting gluster on the pbs nodes

Because the init scripts are written for RH distros, you can’t restart gluster with the supplied init script in /etc/init.d/glusterfs You have to do this:

apt-get install -y daemon
daemon --pidfile=/var/run/glusterd.pid /usr/sbin/glusterd

(correction for pbs1 as of Oct, 2012) - you can start glusterd with the init script - I installed daemon)…

2.5.40. Setting up an XFS filesystem with the correct params

XFS is a very good filesystem but can be crippled by inappro parameters. The script mentioned on this pagelooks to be very good.

Also, this:

If your disks are >1TB with XFS then try: mount -o inode64

This has the effect of sequential writes into the same directory being localised next to each other (within the same allocation group). When you skip to the next directory you will probably get a different allocation group.

Without this, the behaviour is to:

  • stick all the inodes in the first allocation group, and

  • stick every file into a random allocation group, regardless of the parent directory

Also, from the fhgfs wiki pages, they recommend using this set of options:

 mount -t xfs  -olargeio,inode64,swalloc,noatime,nodiratime,allocsize=131072k,nobarrier /dev/sdX <mountpoint>
  • allocsize=131072k for optimal streaming write throughput

  • noatime,nodiratime for not carrying extra, fairly useless attributes in the inode

  • nobarrier - don’t wait for write-thru (use writeback if possible)

  • largeio - see man mount - automatically references swidth or allocsize for optimum IO.

2.5.41. Settings for particular Hardware RAID controllers

2.5.42. Repairing XFS filesystems

"First I mounted /dev/hda3 with the option of -o ro,norecovery. Once mounted I backed up the data. After i used xfs_repair -L (this last flag destroys the log file in order to be remade by xfs_repair use it with care!!). Fortunately it recovered the whole partition without loosing any data."

mount -t xfs -r -o no-recovery /dev/sda /data
# then copy off all the data you can
# then umount the device
umount /data
# then run the very scary
xfs_repair -L /dev/sda
# (There's no warning or second chance or 'are you sure'.)

hjm has used this 3x with success; it has always worked. On all 3 times it was on fairly small (100 GB) filesystems, so for very large filesystems, it may take a very long time.

2.5.43. Set quotas on an XFS filesystem

man xfs_quota and this page

sudo xfs_quota -x -c 'limit bsoft=0 bhard=0 sw' /data

The sw account no longer has a quota:

< sw 1.4T 50.0G 50.0G 00 [-none-] --- > sw 1.4T 0 0 00 [------]

2.5.44. Clear file cache for testing

Executed as root, this will have a huge momentary hit on performance since it will cause all the cache for all users and all apps to flush.

sync && echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
# also can use 1, 2, or 3 - mean different things.

The full set (as described in the appro kernel doc is:

Writing to this will cause the kernel to drop clean caches, dentries and
inodes from memory, causing that memory to become free.
To free pagecache:
        echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
To free dentries and inodes:
        echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
To free pagecache, dentries and inodes:
        echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
As this is a non-destructive operation and dirty objects are not freeable, the
user should run `sync' first.

2.5.45. Reconfig postfix

sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix

2.5.46. Missing keys in Debian/Ubuntu

To fix the missing key error:

Fetched 1216kB in 2s (419kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following
signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:

do this as YOURSELF

export THEKEY='' # like '2A8E3034D018A4CE' (from above)  or whatever it is
gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv ${THEKEY}
gpg --export --armor ${THEKEY} | sudo apt-key add -

2.5.47. To address the matter of GPG errors

W: GPG error: http://download.virtualbox.org lucid Release: The following
signatures were invalid: BADSIG 54422A4B98AB5139 Oracle Corporation
(VirtualBox archive signing key) <info@virtualbox.org>

you have to clean out the lists dir and regenerate it.

apt-get clean
cd /var/lib/apt
mv lists lists.old
mkdir -p lists/partial
apt-get clean
apt-get update

2.6. Networking

2.6.1. Route packets thru dual-homed machine

If you need to route to a remote network via a dual-homed machine, this works for all eth0 connected nodes:

ip route add via dev eth0

The above is a temp-only fix; will not work on the next reboot. In order to make it permanent, will need to add this: via

and/or the reboot image.

Send that to all nodes with clusterfork like this:

cf --target=computeup 'echo " via" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0'

where computeup is a group designation derived from querying the SGE system as to which hosts report being up.

2.6.2. Recursively copy remote dirs w/ commandline

Use lftp

lftp sftp://username@analysis.com
lftp username@analysis.com:~> mirror
# (gets everything)

Also can use scp.

2.6.3. Recursive wget

Ignoring 'robots.txt (heh)

wget -e robots=off --wait 1 http://your.site.here

2.6.4. LDAP lookups at UCI


if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
  bn=`basename $0`
  echo "Usage:    $bn 'file of UCINETIDs' (one per line)"
while read USR; do
    echo "" | tee -a ldap.results
    echo -n "$USR: " | tee -a ldap.results
    UU=`ldapsearch -H ldap://ldap.oit.uci.edu:389 -x -b "ou=people,dc=uci,dc=edu" "uid=${USR}"\
    "displayName" "department" "facultyLevel" "title" \
    | egrep "^dep"\|"^fac"\|"^ti"\|"^dis" | cut -f2 -d: | tr '\n' ':'`
    if [ "xx${UU}xx" = "xxxx" ]; then
        echo -n "no LDAP record" | tee -a ldap.results
        echo -n ".."
        echo -n $UU >> ldap.results
    sleep 0.2
done < $1

and then feed it a file of usernames:

./dapper.sh file_of_names

2.6.5. What is my remote hostname?

To get your remote name/IP number for entry into an ACL or other such requirement, if you can log into anther host, the command last -ad will give you the perceived name from the remote host’s POV - see the last field.

Tue Dec 24 11:01:26 [0.27 0.19 0.16]  hjm@moo:~
504 $ last -ad
hjm      pts/18       Tue Dec 24 11:00   still logged in    ip68-109-196-185.oc.oc.cox.net

2.6.6. How to ssh to a remote Linux PC behind a NAT

Requires a middleman host (goo) and someone (ctm) at the remote PC.

  • have the remote user (ctm) ssh to the middleman host

    ssh -R 10002:localhost:22 ctm@goo.net.some.com
  • you ssh to the same host normally

    ssh you@goo.net.some.com
  • you use/hijack ctm’s ssh session via tunneling

    ssh ctm@localhost -p 10002

In the above line, you are now logging onto the REMOTE PC, so use the appro username for the REMOTE PC, not nec ctm (if the ctm user has the same account name on the REMOTE PC). You have to have ctm’s password on his remote PC or have your own account there already.

Now you’re logged into ctm’s REMOTE PC even tho it’s behind a NAT. Original page describing this is here.

2.6.7. passwordless ssh

Why can’t I remember this?

# for no passphrase, use
ssh-keygen -b 1024 -N ""

# if you want to use a passphrase:
ssh-keygen -b 1024 -N "your passphrase"
# but you probably /don't/ want a passphrase - else why would you be going thru this?

2.6.8. How to fix broken 2goserver

This has come up repeatedly, so here’s an attempt to address it. After x2go has been working OK for a while, a reset/reboot will cause it to fail. Sometimes it’s as simple as a hung session, in which case deleting the old x2go session information from your ~/.x2go dir will fix it. Sometimes it seems that it is much harder - there have been 2 approaches that seem to have fixed it previously

Missing required dir: Check to see if the x2goserver machine still has a /tmp/.X11-unix dir and that it is still chmod’ed OK. It has to be owned by root.root

mkdir -p /tmp/.X11-unix
chown root.root /tmp/.X11-unix
chmod 1777 /tmp/.X11-unix

The above has fixed the problem on 2 machines.

Missing NX libs: Don’t know if this somehow overlaps with the first solution, but installing all the libNX libs has solved it previously as well.

yum install libNX*  # this is probably too many (there are ~60 pf these libs)

However, it did solve it once. Try the 1st solution first.

2.6.9. x2go problem: Cannot establish any listening sockets

On CentOS 6.5, we’ve run int this error:

Error: Aborting session with Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn’t already running.

The answer seems to be that the packages are placed in the wrong places. To fix it, execute the following as root on the cluster-side machine.

  mv /usr/libexec/x2go/* /usr/lib64/x2go
  rm -Rf /usr/libexec/x2go
  ln -s /usr/lib64/x2go /usr/libexec/x2go
  service x2gocleansessions start
  chkconfig x2gocleansessions on

2.6.10. Monitor wifi signal strength

Sometimes you want to know what the actual stats are for your wireless signal (new hotspot, testing new antenna, etc. The stats are updated continuously in /proc/net/wireless, so all you have to do is watch them.

watch -n 1 cat /proc/net/wireless

2.6.11. Enabling X11 when sudoing

As the regular user:

$ xauth list
flip.nac.uci.edu/unix:10  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 c67b142a7df14f1aa5ed93f4a4e2b660

then sudo bash and add that xauth info to root’s xauth:

$ xauth add flip.nac.uci.edu/unix:10  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 c6df14142a75ed93ff1aa7b4a4e2b660

Now it should work.

2.6.12. Using netcat (nc) to transfer data

Note that this section has been expanded into a full document about How to Move Data Fast Instead of using scp which has an encryption overhead, you can also use nc.

On the local (sending) host (bongo.nac.uci.edu in this example):

[sending] % pv -pet HG-U133_Plus_2.na26.annot.csv | nc -l -p 1234 <enter>

The command will hang, listening (-l) for a connection from the other end.

on receiving host:

[receiving] % nc bongo.nac.uci.edu 1234 |pv -b >test.file  <enter>

(note: no -p on the rec side)

2.6.13. How to set up networking on a Ubuntu Ibex system

It’s fairly well-known that the KDE4 Network Manager is broken. This is how to get networking started on such a machine. see this howto which tells how fairly well. The following is a quick extract.

Edit /etc/network/interfaces

auto lo eth0
 iface lo inet loopback
 iface eth0 inet static
 address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(enter your ip here)
 netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
 gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(enter gateway ip here)

Edit /etc/resolv.conf

# Generated by NetworkManager
nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(enter your dns server ip)
nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(enter your alt dns server ip)

Restart the networking

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

And finally, remove the effin broken Network Manager

apt-get remove network-manager network-manager-kde

# then install netgo

apt-get install netgo

2.6.14. How to set an IP address with ifconfig

ifconfig ethX netmask broadcast up
#         if     address    +----- optional (defaults should work -------+

BUT! ifconfig is deprecated in favor of the ip command. Some examples of using it are here

especially setting ethernet addresses:

ip link set dev eth0 down         # bring down a dev
ip -s -s a f to   # set the address of a dev
ip link set dev eth0 up            # bring up a dev

2.6.15. force IB into connected mode

To set the MTU to 64K:

echo connected > /sys/class/net/ib0/mode

2.6.16. Infiniband kernel modules to load

Add the following to the initrd, or to the /etc/modules.conf file.


test with ibstat, ibswitches, etc

2.6.17. Bandwidth test via RDMA

You can test the bandwith of the link using the ib_rdma_bw command.

node1# ib_rdma_bw
 # and then start a client on another node, giving it the hostname of the server.
node2# ib_rdma_bw  node1

2.6.18. Set up IP forwarding in 4 easy steps.

This assumes public interface on eth1; private on eth0 (reverse of usual case).

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE
/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -j ACCEPT

This will set up the NAT, but to make it permanent (to survive a reboot), , refer to the page above for full instructions. This is the short version. You will need to edit /etc/sysctl.conf and change the line that says

 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

Notice how this is similar to step number one? This essentially tells your kernel to do step one on boot.

Last step for Fedora/RHEL users. In order for your system to save the iptables rules we setup in step two you have to configure iptables correctly. You will need to edit /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config and make sure IPTABLES_MODULES_UNLOAD, IPTABLES_SAVE_ON_STOP, and IPTABLES_SAVE_ON_RESTART are all set to yes.

2.6.19. SSHouting

Now a separate document: SSHouting with ssh

2.6.20. Remove the bad RSA/DSA host keys

When inititating ssh to a new system or to one which has had significant changes made to it to the extent that it refuses your attempts to ssh in, you can use this line to delete the offending problem line:

Offending RSA key in /home/hjm/.ssh/known_hosts:325
  remove with: ssh-keygen -f "/home/hjm/.ssh/known_hosts" -R stunted

Or just delete the entire /home/hjm/.ssh/known_hosts fil - it will just re-populate as you go..

2.6.21. Set up a specific gateway for a specific route

Below example is taken from BDUC:claw9 which needed to have an explicit route set to avoid traversing the public net to run MPI applications across the split cluster.

# explicitly set the route for ICS subcluster here
# (assuming eth0 stays eth0 /
/sbin/route add -net gw dev eth0

2.6.23. How to tell who’s hammering your NFS network

1st, figure out which interface is getting hit with ifstat (DO NOT need to be root).

$ ifstat
       eth0                eth1
 KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out
    2.99   1268.18  80426.50   3629.40
    4.74    435.89  35832.20   1739.31
    1.56   2668.27  81236.53   3531.31
    9.63    899.82  25380.89    707.71
    1.30   1371.96  70618.32   3184.92

OK - it looks like it’s eth1 (also will work with IB interfaces).

Now, who’s using that bandwidth?

 $ nfswatch -auth -dev eth1

bduc-login.nacs.uci.edu     Thu May 24 12:45:41 2012   Elapsed time:   00:00:20
Interval packets:    533769 (network)     349512 (to host)          0 (dropped)
Total packets:      1077566 (network)     705313 (to host)          0 (dropped)
                     Monitoring packets from interface eth1
                     int   pct    total                      int   pct    total
NFS3 Read          15241    4%    29957 TCP Packets       349266  100%   704793
NFS3 Write          5401    2%     9914 UDP Packets          239    0%      508
NFS Read               0    0%        0 ICMP Packets           0    0%        0
NFS Write              0    0%        0 Routing Control        0    0%        0
NFS Mount              0    0%        3 Addr Resolution        1    0%        1
Port Mapper            1    0%        6 Rev Addr Resol         0    0%        0
RPC Authorization     29    0%       62 Ether/FDDI Bdcst       3    0%        3
Other RPC Packets    711    0%     1481 Other Packets          6    0%       11
                                12 authenticators
Authenticator        int   pct    total Authenticator        int   pct    total
AUTH_NULL              0    0%        1 ridrogol               6    0%       14
calvinjs           14122   68%    27563 root                  84    0%      205
dasher               722    3%     1412 spoorkas             377    2%      779
jiew5                  2    0%        2 tkim15              3554   17%     6132
nkp                 1596    8%     3296 tvanerp              197    1%      506
resteele               1    0%        1 xtian                 62    0%      125
  1. and the display will update every 10s or whatever you set with the -t flag < and > in the display will decrease and increase cycle time.

In the above display, it looks like calvinjs is the culprit.

2.7. Users and Groups

2.7.1. User and Group ids

$ id hmangala
uid=7003(hmangala) gid=7003(hmangala)

$ getent group mortazavi

NB: getent only greps thru the /etc/group file, so if your /etc/group is incomplete, it won’t return valid info. ie: on HPC, the /etc/group is only used to declare groups, not to define them (done in /etc/passwd)

Or even better, use lid or lid -g as root:

$ lid -g gene

2.7.2. Changing Users group membership

if you need to add a group:

groupadd newgroup

if you need to change group membership of an existing user, gpasswd is very useful

gpasswd -d cruz  bio    # deletes cruz from the 'bio' group
gpasswd -a cruz  som    # adds cruz to the 'som' group

# following also adds a user to an existing group
usermod -a -G som cruz     # adds cruz to the 'som' group

# and on HPC, have to run:
to force a sync from the linux groups to the SGE groups to set the Queue permissions.

2.7.3. Remove a user completely

userdel user  # removes account - for HPC, only on HPC-S

userdel -r user # removes account and HOME dir

# but on HPC,  still have to remove user dirs on /pub, /bio, /som, etc

2.7.4. Force a user to logout

pkill -KILL -u username

2.7.5. Kerberos init failure on Debian/Ubuntu

kerberos requires that the realm be initialized on the node before the krb5kdc can start. If that’s not the case, you’ll get the unhelpful error: File not found.

2.7.6. Prep a new system for ME

(this is for me, Harry Mangalam, and will therefore almost certainly fail for anyone else).


host=   # set up the HOSTNAME 1st
user=hjm # <your_username_on $host>
ssh-copy-id ${user}@${host}

cd # make sure we're at ~
ssh  ${user}@${host} 'mkdir -p bin'
cd bin; scp scut cols ${user}@${host}:~/bin; cd
scp -r .bashrc .profile .alias.bash .nedit .DirB .bashDirB ${user}@${host}:~

# now ssh there and add the missing stuff you'll need
sudo apt-get install -y joe nedit
# add yourself to the sudo group
sudo joe /etc/sudoers

%admin  ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL         # older Debian derivs
%sudo   ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL         # newer Debian derivs !! not for production machines !!

%wheel  ALL=(ALL)  NOPASSWD: ALL  # RH derivs

# then...
ssh -t  ${user}@${host} 'sudo apt-get install -y libstatistics-descriptive-perl gconf2' # for scut
# or if it's a RH-based system
# ssh -t  ${user}@${host} 'sudo yum -y install perl-Statistics-Descriptive.noarch gconf2'

#NB: 'yum repolist' will list all the repos active:

2.8. Bash tips and tricks

2.8.1. Read a file line by line

filename=myinput.txt  # or just feed it in explicitly
while read line   # string of newline-terminated ends up in $line
    # Do what you want to $line
done < $filename

# next line takes a file of fully qualified filenames and produces the basename in 'less'
(while read line; do basename $line; done) < fastq.gz.names | less

See here for more exposition.

2.8.2. Backtics vs $(expression)

A user asked why a bash expression would work from the commandline but not inside backtics:

$ grep rs somefile | awk -F\\t ' { print $2 } ' | awk -F\_ ' { print $1 } ' | grep -v rs | sort | uniq
#  note the backslashes    ^^                           ^

# above cmd produced:

but the version that uses backtics did not:
$ a=`grep rs somefile | awk -F\\t ' { print $2 } ' | awk -F\_ ' { print $1 } ' | grep -v rs | sort | uniq`
$ echo $a

# however using the $() variant:
$ a=$(grep rs somefile | awk -F\\t ' { print $2 } ' | awk -F\_ ' { print $1 } ' | grep -v rs | sort | uniq)

# produces:
$ echo $a
mnp psy seq seq2 seq3 seq4 unp

The explanation from Garr:

Both of these first two main responses are interesting:

The first speaks to $() helping with nesting. The second speaks to all the backslashes necessary with back-ticks.

2.8.3. filename processing

Bash is a horrible language for anything other than job control (and it’s not great at that), but it can be made to do crude regex and string processing in the pursuit of filename modification.

Modifying the prefix and suffix of filenames

  • rename files beginning with ChrM_ to the rest of the filename, ie deleting the ‘chrM_’ prefix from all files.

lenprefix=${#prefix}  # note the format: ${#string} -> length of string
for II in ${prefix}*; do
  echo -n "$II -> ";
  chopped=${II:5}; # uses the character offset reference
  echo "$chopped";
  # mv $II $chopped;  # this does the actual renaming.
                      # uncomment when you're sure it works correctly
  • do the same thing as above, but recursively.

shopt -s globstar         # sets the recursive bash search
prefix="asfiw"            # assign to a var to make it more portable
lenprefix=${#prefix}      # get the length of the prefix
for II in **/${prefix}*; do   # now will search recursively
# !! BUT the string that gets returned is NOT the simple filename anymore, but
# !! the relative filepath, so you have to break it apart into the
# !! PATH and the FILENAME
# use 'basename' and 'dirname'
# !! WARNING:  will fail if the filename has spaces in it.
  echo -n "$II -> "
  fpath=`dirname $II` # the file
  fn=`basename $II`
  choppedfn=${fn:${lenprefix}}; # uses the character offset reference
  # now glue the path and the chopped filename back together again
  echo "$fpn";
  # mv $II $fpn;  # this does the actual renaming.
                      # uncomment when you're sure it works correctly
  • rename all files ending in ‘.bam_MT.bam.bai’ , to ‘*.bai’.

# same thing but counts backwards thru the filename string
lensuff=${#suffix}                # note the format
for II in *${suffix}; do
  echo -n "$II -> ";
  let lenfilename="$len - $lensuff"  # actual arithmetic in bash
  chopped=${II:0:$lenfilename}; # uses the character offset reference
  echo $newfilename
  # mv $II $newfilename;  # this does the renaming. uncomment when you're
                          # sure it works correctly

2.8.4. numfmt

numfmt can process multiple fields with field range specifications similar to cut, and supports setting the output precision with the --format option

2.8.5. bash printf idiocy


cat /etc/passwd | grep data | awk -F: {'print $1"@uci.edu", $1, $5'} |
while read EMAIL USER FULLNAME ; do
printf "$USER%6s\t$FULLNAME\n"

emecaalv       Esteban Meca Alvarez
valdesp       Phoebe H. Valdes
xiaoxias       Xiaoxia Shi
tcwong1       Timothy Chong Ji Wong

2.8.6. Find identical lines in a file

fgrep -x -f file1 file2

# ie:

$ fgrep -x -f ManifestDF1.md5sums.sort 03Feb2013.OK.md5sums.sort
09C100248.bam   fe1fa429b9a3249648dda22acfc5231c
10C107613.bam   0643e8c112e8ad6d710114f4882a8d9e
MH0128100.bam   56b7d19d2b4ad0badfd15081b4e55674
MH0131639.bam   54c3c71368720bbcbe8361daf369c6f6

# perfect!

or comm

comm [-1] [-2] [-3 ] file1 file2
-1 Suppress the output column of lines unique to file1.
-2 Suppress the output column of lines unique to file2.
-3 Suppress the output column of lines duplicated in file1 and file2.

# ie

$ comm -1 -2 ManifestDF1.md5sums.sort 03Feb2013.OK.md5sums.sort
09C100248.bam   fe1fa429b9a3249648dda22acfc5231c
10C107613.bam   0643e8c112e8ad6d710114f4882a8d9e
MH0128100.bam   56b7d19d2b4ad0badfd15081b4e55674
MH0131639.bam   54c3c71368720bbcbe8361daf369c6f6

join does a similar thing but adds the fields together and doesn’t check identicality scut can do this as well but takes a little more futzing.

2.8.7. Display all the terminal colors in a screen

For example if you want to get snazzy with shell or programmatic prompts..

for i in $(seq 0 10 256); do for j in $(seq 0 1 9); do n=$(expr $i + $j); \
[ $n -gt 256 ] && break || echo -ne "\t\033[38;5;${n}m${n}\033[0m"; done; echo; done

2.8.8. How to grep for OR’ed terms

How many instances of this or that (case insensitive) are in this whole directory tree?

grep -rin  "this\|that" * |wc

How to filter terms in a grep search via OR

# following filters out lines that contain 'DROPPED' or 'ntpd' or 'dhcpd'
grep -v 'DROPPED\|ntpd\|dhcpd' /var/log/syslog |less
# or
egrep "relative error|tstep, maxcr=        4000" somefile

2.8.9. How to query for word globs or regexes in SQLite

sqlite> select * from pcinfo where hostname like "bong%";

sqlite>  select * from owner  where userid like "ps%";

and delete them:

sqlite> delete from pcinfo where hostname like "bong%";

sqlite> delete from owner where userid like "ps%";

2.8.10. Change the root password on a MYSQL (V5) server

This is sort of grunty, but it has always worked, unlike many of the previous methods listed on the appro MySQL page

Alternatively, on any platform, you can set the new password using the mysql client(but this approach is less secure): Stop mysqld and restart it with the --skip-grant-tables --user=root* options (Windows users omit the --user=root portion). Connect to the mysqld server with this command:

 shell> mysql -u root

Issue the following statements in the mysql client:

 mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('newpwd')
    ->                   WHERE User='root';
Replace *newpwd* with the actual root password that you want to use.
You should be able to connect using the new password.

2.8.11. Differences between /etc/bashrc, /etc/profile, .bashrc, .profile, etc:

2.8.12. correct sort behavior requires setting locale

Otherwise it can be all wonky. ALWAYS set this in your .bashrc

export LC_ALL=C

2.8.13. Background jobs inside a bash loop

Have to place the background job inside braces or parens, like this:

for f in *z; do { echo "copying $f"; cp $f /gl/hmangala/tdlong & } ; done

for ITER in $(echo {a..z}); do (cp -a ${ITER}* /gl/hmangala/ & ) done

2.8.14. Capture timing to a file

Use the /usr/bin/time command and use the -a -o flags:

/usr/bin/time -p -a -o lstime ls -lR nacs > lsout

The above appends the timing info into lstime while capturing the output of the ls -lR command into lsout. If appending (-a) don’t forget to echo a newline into the file between interations.

2.8.15. Timing background jobs

the trick is to put the background commands in a file and end the file with wait which will wait until all the child background jobs spawned in that process end.

The example below starts 10 background jobs writing to a filesystem as part of a benchmark.

mkdir -p ${SPATH};
    echo -n "$H : Loadavg: "
    cat /proc/loadavg;
for II in $(seq 1 10); do
    dd if=/dev/zero of=${SPATH}/out${II} bs=1M count=2K &

The shell script above is called with clusterfork:

cf --tar=c3up 'time  /data/hpc/bin/multi-dd.sh'

which spawns the jobs on the 'c3up group (9 nodes) so that all 9 are writing 10 streams of data to the filesystem which is a decent load for the filesystem.

2.8.16. Fix problems with nxclient

With completely FUBAR connections:

sudo killall -u nx # should kill all nx-related processes
# then (for neatx sessions)
cd  /var/lib/neatx/sessions
rm -rf *  # or all dirs that seem to be hung

2.8.17. primitive crontab system loadchecker

crontab -l:

*/5  *  *   *   *    /home/hmangala/bin/loadchecker.pl

2.8.18. Set and loop thru an array with bash

IP_ARRAY=("" "" "" "")
# note the array spec above and the reference format below.  If the elements
# were integers or even floats(?), wouldn't need the "" (I think).

for i in ${IP_ARRAY[@]}; do
        echo "$i = "
        nslookup ${i} | grep "name ="| scut -f 1 -d '=' | uniq
    echo "==============="

2.8.19. Iterate thru lists in bash

list='a64-112 a64-120 a64-129 a64-178 claw2 claw3 claw4 n121'
for hj in $list; do
  echo $hj

# also the famous ITER:
for ITER in $(seq -f "%03g" 1 140); do echo A64HOST=a64-${ITER}; done
for ITER in $(echo {p..q}); do time rsync -a $ITER*  /h; done

# to nest padded and unpadded ITERs:
for UNPAD in $(seq 1 10) ; do
  PAD=$(printf  "%03g" "$UNPAD")
  echo "A64HOST${UNPAD}=a64-${PAD}"

2.8.20. Disappear the grotacious error messages from KDE, java, etc

To make the streaming error messages from konqueror, java, etc go to /dev/null, append the following to the application call:

$ application >& /dev/null &
#             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

2.8.21. Using find to identify old files

find /path/to/start -maxdepth 5 -mtime +183

where -maxdepth 5 is the levels of dirs to query and -mtime +183 is the filter to pass if you’re searching fo rfiles older than 183 days (~ half a yr.) If you want files YOUNGER than that, use -183. Useful for creating a stream of file names to include or exclude.

2.8.22. More find examples

See this page for good examples.

2.8.23. How to recursively rename files

# this substitutes a '_' for all spaces in file names.
# if you don't add the trailing 'g' in the regex, only
# the 1st space gets replaced.

find . -name  *\ * -print0 | rename  's/\ /_/g'

The -print0 option to find maintains spaces and most other internal unusual characters (but not parens ()). To have rename NOT do the rename but only show you what will happen (always a good idea), use the -n flag

NB: Also see the Linux-Mag series Filenames by design.

2.8.24. complex rules with find

find is a great utility, but it’s an effing brute to figure out how to do complex searches. Here’s an example of how to use it to search for:

  • zero sized files (any name, any age)

  • file that have the suffix .fast[aq], .f[aq], .txt, .sam, pileup, .vcf

  • but only if those named files are older than 90 days (using a bash variable to pass in the 90)

The -o acts as the OR logic and the -a acts as the AND logic. Note how the parens and brackets have to be escaped.

find .  -size 0c \
        -o \( \
        \( -name \*.fast\[aq\] \
        -o -name \*.f\[aq\]  \
        -o -name \*.txt  \
        -o -name \*.sam  \
        -o -name \*pileup \
        -o -name \*.vcf \) \
        -a -mtime +${DAYSOLD} \
        -a -maxdepth 6 \
        -a -type d\)

find .  -maxdepth 6 \
   -a -size 0c \
   -o  \( \( -name \*.fast\[aq\] \
   -o -name \*.f\[aq\]  \
   -o -name \*.txt  \
   -o -name \*.sam  \
   -o -name \*pileup \
   -o -name \*.vcf \) \
   -a -mtime +${DAYSOLD} \
   -a -type d \)

# find all files larger than 100MB
find . -type f -size +100M

2.8.25. How to use screen

2.9. Screen commands

  • screen - start the screen session

  • C-a n - create a new screen

  • C-a A - name the session

  • C-a n - next screen

  • C-a p - Previous screen

  • C-a R - re-connect to a lost session (multi-attach by adding an -x )

  • C-a " - list all screen sessions

  • C-a _ - monitor for silence

  • C-a M - monitor for output

  • C-a D - detach from session

  • C-a [ - start copy text (cursor to where you want to start, hit spacebar move to the end of the copy section and hit spacebar again to finish the copy

  • C-a ] - pastes whatever’s in the buffer.

3. SGE tips and tricks

3.1. qstat status characters

3.2. Remove SGE users

# removes USER as well as removes the USER from any SGE groups in
qconf -duser USER
qconf -du USER listname

Change all Q instances at once

*man qmod*
# change all Q instances running on compute-3-1 back to enabled.
$ qmod -e *@compute-3-1
Queue instance "asom@compute-3-1.local" is already in the specified state: enabled
Queue instance "free64@compute-3-1.local" is already in the specified state: enabled
Queue instance "ctnl@compute-3-1.local" is already in the specified state: enabled

*Disable all Qs on a node*
$ qmod -d *@compute-3-9
root@hpc-s.local changed state of "free64@compute-3-9.local" (disabled)
root@hpc-s.local changed state of "asom@compute-3-9.local" (disabled)
root@hpc-s.local changed state of "som@compute-3-9.local" (disabled)

Fix qmon font errors
# on Mint/Debian/Ubuntu
sagi xfonts-100dpi xfonts-100dpi-transcoded xfonts-75dpi xfonts-75dpi-transcoded
xset +fp  /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/
xset +fp  /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/
xset fp rehash
# ! ta daaaaaa!

# or if that doesn't work, this has worked recently:

cd /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/
sudo mkfontdir
xset fp+ /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi
# add the path permanently..
echo "FontPath /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi" >> ~/.xinitrc

3.3. Generate a list of user SGE jobs to feed to qdel

$ kill_list=`qstat -u [user] |cut -f1 -d' ' |grep -v '\-' |  tr '\n' ' '`
1450169 1450166 1455492 1455493 1455494 1455495 1455496 1455497 1455498
1455499 1455500 1455501 1455502 1455503 1455504 1455506 1455507 1455508
1455509 1455511 1455512 1455513 1455514 1455515 1455516 1455518 1455519
1455520 1455521 1455522 1455523 1455524 1455525 1455527 1455528 1455529
1455530 1455531 1455533 1455534 1455535 1455536 1455538 1455539 1455540
1455541 1455542 1455543

# and then, finish them off with:
$ qdel $kill_list

3.4. SGE Commandline docs from Oracle

4. Programming

4.1. Set cmake installation dir

Short version is:



4.2.1. Check MATLAB license status

To check the usage status of the campus license pool:

module load MATLAB # load the MATLAB module; sets up the env vars

$MATLAB/bin/glnxa64/lmutil lmstat -a -c 1711@seshat.nacs.uci.edu
#                                      (port@license-server)

# Please include the above line in your qsub scripts if you're using
# MATLAB to make sure the license server is online.

# you can check more specifically by then grepping thru the output.
# For example to find the status of the Distributed Computing Toolbox licenses:

$MATLAB/bin/glnxa64/lmutil lmstat -a -c 1711@seshat.nacs.uci.edu | grep Distrib_Computing_Toolbox

4.3. C HOWTOs

4.3.1. Convert a static lib into a shared one

You can convert the static version of of library into a dynamic version by doing the following:

ar -x libsomename.a
gcc -shared -fpic -o libsomename.so *.o


4.5. Update all existing R packages

The following will traverse ALL existing R packages and update them if they need it. Requires the full development set. Depending on your set of installed packages, this may be a very long (overnight) process.

> update.packages(ask = FALSE, dependencies = c('Suggests'))

4.6. Re-install all previous packages in latest version of R


  • in the old version of R…

  • obtain the names of all previous packages

  • save them into a variables

  • quit the old version of R, saving your workspace

  • start new version of R, restoring variables

  • use install.packages() to install all the ones that were in the old one.

  • easy peasy

# start old version of R; get names of installed packages
packs <- installed.packages()
exc <- names(packs[,'Package'])

# now quit old version of R, saving workspace

# now 'module load R/newversion'
# R      # starts new R, reads workspace
ls() # verify that you have the list of packages to install
install.packages(exc,dependencies=TRUE)  # this will take a VERY long time to run; do it overnight..

4.6.1. "R CMD INSTALL" mods

Here’s the example for Rmpi. Note the format for passing in the configure options.

R CMD INSTALL --configure-vars='LIBS=-L/apps/openmpi/1.4.2/lib' \
--configure-args="--with-Rmpi-type=OPENMPI \
--with-Rmpi-libpath=/apps/openmpi/1.4.2/lib \
--with-mpi=/apps/openmpi/1.4.2 \
--with-Rmpi-include=/apps/openmpi/1.4.2/include" \

4.6.2. Installing packages from within R

The following will download, compile and install (with all the dependencies) any existing R package (and point to a http (vs https) repo as well.

# as root if installing for whole platform
$ R

# NOTE: it's "configure-vars" in the 'outside-R' commandline above, but "configure.vars" in the 'inside R' version
> install.packages("<R package name>", dependencies = TRUE, repos="http://cran.cnr.Berkeley.edu",
# eg:
install.packages("ggplot2", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("BiodiversityR", dependencies=TRUE)

BioConductor can be installed like:

> source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
> biocLite()
# more at http://www.bioconductor.org/install/

and install individual BioC packages, use:

# to install both "GenomicFeatures" and "AnnotationDbi"
>BiocManager::install(c("GenomicFeatures", "AnnotationDbi"))

4.7. Perl HOWTOs

4.7.1. cpanm

A much easier way to install perl modules…

BUT: make sure you set

export PERL_MM_OPT=""

Otherwise cpanm will install the new modules wherever PERL_MM_OPT is set to (and it will probably not be in the \@INC path, so other perl modules can’t find it. Sheesh. Wasted an hour on this..

4.7.2. Install a bunch of modules at once:

Generate s list of module names, test.modules below and feed thru xargs and then into cpan.

./test.modules |grep fail|cut -f2 -d" "|xargs -I {} cpan {}

4.7.3. Debug a regex using only Perl

Use Perl’s built-in debugger. ie:

perl -Mre=debug -e'"gagctagggcatgtagc"=~/g{0,3}c[at]{2}g[at]./'
# paste into a shell to see what it gives you.

4.7.4. How to quickly find descriptions of perl functions

Instead of googling about trying to find the right one or paging thru the 10K lines of man perlfunc, you can jump right to the right one with:

perldoc -f [the function]

Usefully, this also works with the file tests:

perldoc -f '-e'

4.7.5. How to extend Perl’s @INC lib path

4.7.6. Using SQLite from Perl

4.7.7. Simple line-by-line processing in Perl

# from STDIN
while (<>) {
        [insert processing here]
# from a file, similar syntax, but with the file handle
open (FH, "<$filename") or die "Can't open the file";
while (<FH>) {
        [insert processing here]

4.7.8. Perl’s select()

If you need to send output to different files or streams, define them all beforehand and then use select() to select among them. ie:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open LOG, ">>test.log";
print "This should go to STDOUT (the console)\n";
select (LOG);
print "Now this should go to the log\n";
print "Now this should append to the log\n";
select (STDOUT);
print "This should now go to STDOUT (back to the console)\n";

4.7.9. The Perl one-liner replace

perl -e 's/replacethis/withthis/gi' -p -i.bak [in these files]

You can also use other delimiters if the patterns strings contain slashes:

perl -e 's%/this/path/to/file%/with/this/path/to/file%gi' -p -i.bak [in these files]

or to be anal about it:

find . -name '*.html' -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e \

the find -print0 prevents filenemes with spaces from screwing things up as long as you use the matching -0 in the xargs cmd.

Garr adds:

The example below is useful because we have to do the "#!/usr/bin/perl" first-line replacement so often:

perl -e 's{^\#\!/usr/bin/perl( +\-W)?}{#!/usr/bin/env  perl}g' -p -i.bak *.pl

But it’s also cute for two reasons:

  • It handles cases where there could be a "-W" after "/usr/bin/perl"

  • It uses open-and-close braces "{}" as the delimiters, which I find easier to read than a single delimiter symbol like "%". This trick works with other open-and-close characters, like braces "[]", too.

4.8. Python HOWTOs

4.8.1. Force a recompile of a pip-installed package from git

Example (khmer) to reinstall from the original git distribution.

pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall --no-binary all --no-deps git+git://github.com/dib-lab/khmer.git

Further, Edward adds:

  1. "--upgrade" is required for "--force-reinstall" (which is a weird design…)

  2. Because of #1, if you want to install a specific version, use "package_name==1.2.3" instead of "package_name"

  3. "--no-binary all" enforces compiling from source for specified package and all its dependencies

  4. "--no-deps" disables dependency tracking, which is very useful when recompiling. Without it, the mandatory "--upgrade" parameter will try reinstall / upgrade all dependencies.

  5. Git url is supported by pip, which is better to use if you don’t need to patch source code.

  6. "git+git://github.com/dib-lab/khmer.git" is how you have to format the url. If it’s a git via https url (which is recommended to use nowadays), then it would be "git+https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer.git". But obvious our enthought_python has some problem with HTTPS that it never works.

4.8.2. Modify the Python setup.py Makefile

This is a bastard of a thing to figure out. The setup.py file defines a bunch of files that needs to be processed internally and the Makefile also defines a bunch of envvars that are OVERWRITTEN (not appended to) envvars that are defined in the SHELL. So you often get conflicting or missing choices if the python setup.py build command fails.

You can modify all the envvars in one place by editing the Python-version-dependent setup.py Makefile which is typically found in


This contains most of the envvars that need to be modified to allow for a successful compile/install.

4.8.3. Simple line-by-line processing in Python

extracted from about.com

fileIN = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
line = fileIN.readline()

while line:
        [some bit of analysis here]
        line = fileIN.readline()

4.8.4. Execute a system command in Python

The code will execute the command but not caputure the output. For that see the next HOWTO. You can/should embed it in a try:/except: clause to make sure that it worked as expected.

import os

cmd = 'ls -l /usr/bin'
    print "ERR:[%s] did not complete successfully!"

4.8.5. Read a system command output into Python list

from commands import getoutput
syscmd = "system command text"
sysoutput = []
sysoutput = getoutput(syscmd).split("\n")
# sysoutput is now a list of output lines split on newlines

4.8.6. ipython debugging in a python script

NB: this may no longer be the case - I think the ipython debug shell syntax may have changed recently…

        9 import IPython
       10 IPython.embed()
       45    for k in range(options.kmin, options.kmax+options.kstep, options.kstep):
       46       IPython.embed() # <----- !!! will break into an ipython shell
       47        p = subprocess.Popen(['velvetg','%s_%i' % (options.directoryRoot, k), '-read_trkg', 'yes'],
       48        output = p.communicate()

4.9. Autoconf, Make, Compiler tips

4.9.1. git hints

To cleanup a git repo, you need two commands:

git reset --hard        # this will reset all changed files
git clean -dfx          # this will remove all untracked files

In case it has submodules, add two more commands to cleanup submodules:

git submodule foreach git reset --hard
git submodule foreach git clean -dfx

4.9.2. configure --help options

These are from R’s configure, among the most elaborate I’ve seen. Not all of these are used in all configure systems.

Some influential environment variables:
  R_PRINTCMD  command used to spool PostScript files to the printer
  R_PAPERSIZE paper size for the local (PostScript) printer
  R_BATCHSAVE set default behavior of R when ending a session
  MAIN_CFLAGS additional CFLAGS used when compiling the main binary
              additional CFLAGS used when building shared objects
  MAIN_FFLAGS additional FFLAGS used when compiling the main binary
              additional FFLAGS used when building shared objects
  MAIN_LD     command used to link the main binary
              flags which are necessary for loading a main program which will
              load shared objects (DLLs) at runtime
  CPICFLAGS   special flags for compiling C code to be turned into a shared
  FPICFLAGS   special flags for compiling Fortran code to be turned into a
              shared object.
  FCPICFLAGS  special flags for compiling Fortran 95 code to be turned into a
              shared object.
  SHLIB_LD    command for linking shared objects which contain object files
              from a C or Fortran compiler only
              special flags used by SHLIB_LD
  DYLIB_LD    command for linking dynamic libraries which contain object files
              from a C or Fortran compiler only
              special flags used for make a dynamic library
  CXXPICFLAGS special flags for compiling C++ code to be turned into a shared
  SHLIB_CXXLD command for linking shared objects which contain object files
              from the C++ compiler
              special flags used by SHLIB_CXXLD
  SHLIB_FCLD  command for linking shared objects which contain object files
              from the Fortran 95 compiler
              special flags used by SHLIB_FCLD
  TCLTK_LIBS  flags needed for linking against the Tcl and Tk libraries
              flags needed for finding the tcl.h and tk.h headers
  MAKE        make command
  TAR         tar command
  R_BROWSER   default browser
  R_PDFVIEWER default PDF viewer
  BLAS_LIBS   flags needed for linking against external BLAS libraries
  LAPACK_LIBS flags needed for linking against external LAPACK libraries
  LIBnn       'lib' or 'lib64' for dynamic libraries
  SAFE_FFLAGS Safe Fortran 77 compiler flags for e.g. dlamc.f
  r_arch      Use architecture-dependent subdirs with this name
  DEFS        C defines for use when compiling R
  JAVA_HOME   Path to the root of the Java environment
  R_SHELL     shell to be used for shell scripts, including 'R'
  YACC        The `Yet Another C Compiler' implementation to use. Defaults to
              the first program found out of: `bison -y', `byacc', `yacc'.
  YFLAGS      The list of arguments that will be passed by default to $YACC.
              This script will default YFLAGS to the empty string to avoid a
              default value of `-d' given by some make applications.
  CC          C compiler command
  CFLAGS      C compiler flags
  LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries in a
              nonstandard directory <lib dir>
  LIBS        libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l<library>
  CPPFLAGS    (Objective) C/C++ preprocessor flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if
              you have headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir>
  CPP         C preprocessor
  F77         Fortran 77 compiler command
  FFLAGS      Fortran 77 compiler flags
  CXX         C++ compiler command
  CXXFLAGS    C++ compiler flags
  CXXCPP      C++ preprocessor
  OBJC        Objective C compiler command
  OBJCFLAGS   Objective C compiler flags
  XMKMF       Path to xmkmf, Makefile generator for X Window System
  FC          Fortran compiler command
  FCFLAGS     Fortran compiler flags

Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help
it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations.

5. Personal/Roaming tips and tricks

5.1. Reset sound in chrome browser when it garbles in video playback

pulseaudio --kill

That’s it.

5.2. How to restore kmail and google-chrome settings after a crash

kmail keeps its setting in ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc. Since kmail is almost always open, it will not have written its config back to kmailrc and the file will be quite truncated. If you have the foresight to make a backup of a good kmailrc, then just copy it back over the bad one. If you didn’t make a backup, you’ll have to go in and retype all the account info.

You can import all the filters again from a previous file tho by using the Import button on the filters pane.

5.3. reset Plama Shell

Includes the application panel.

killall plasmashell
kstart plasmashell

5.4. How to avoid being sniffed at public WIFI hotspots

To set up an ssh tunnel to shield against wireless sniffing (to check email securely when using a public access non-WEP/WAP access point), use the -L flag agin, but remapping port 110:

ssh -L 2110:pop.west.cox.net:110 moo.nac.uci.edu

the above line establishes a tunneled connection via moo.nac.uci.edu to port 110 on pop.west.cox.net using localhost port 2110 (has to be above 1024 for regular users to be able to use it). But you do have to configure your mail client to use localhost:2110 instead of pop.west.cox.net:110 as your mail server.

Slightly inconvenient, but better than having your password sniffed.

5.5. How to use ssh as a VPN or SMTP proxy

5.5.1. Browser VPN

The vpn for your browser is very simple. In your shell, define the proxy port:

$ ssh -D 1111 user@remote host.

then config your browser to use the proxy port you just set (localhost port 1111)

For Firefox (on Linux anyway), the click path is as follows:

 Firefox -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Network tab -> Connection [Settings]
   change the Proxy from "Direct connection to the Internet"
   to: Manual Proxy configuration
and set the SOCKS host to *localhost port 1111*
(o)SOCKS_v5 setting is checked/clicked.

5.5.2. SMTP settings

To send mail thru UCI’s server when far afield, you have to tunnel/port forward to a host that will then forward to the usual smtp host.

for example, to use uci’s smtp server while away, first ssh to <yourUCIhost> with the following command:

ssh -L 2025:smtp.uci.edu:25 <yourUCIhost>.uci.edu

this port-forwards localhost’s port 2025 to port 25 on smtp.uci.edu via a ssh to <yourUCIhost>.uci.edu, which is on the uci net.

In this case I also have to configure kmail to send a null hostname to uci and also to check what the server supports for authentication protocol.

This should also work for bonk to use the cox smtp server, tho the kmail specifics may vary. This should NOT require any setup of an smtp server on bonk or sand or anything else. ie:

ssh -L 2025:smtp.west.cox.net:25 ibonk

-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport

6. Misc

6.1. How to put a Bluetooth Plantronics 510 into pairing mode

Press call button and Volume UP at the same time until LED starts to blink blue and red.

6.2. Reboot dabrick after an grub error

Error 5: Partition table invalid or corrupt.

The problem stems not from a bad disk but from the different ways that the BIOS, Grub, and the OS interact. Now that disk interfaces include IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB, Firewire, etc, it’s harder for the OS to decide what to use as a boot disk. Grub tries to make a good guess at what this should be, but often fails, especially after a major upgrade that may overwrite custom mapping files. This is what happened in the most recent reboot failure. grub allows you to fix this on the fly by allowing you to temporarily edit the boot parameters and booting on those (ephemeral - doesn’t get written to disk) settings. If you don’t edit the files once you’ve booted up, when you reboot, the old bad ones are re-read from disk and you’ll get the same errors again. Condemned to repeat the past, etc.

The way to temporarily get booting again is: * halt the boot process in the grub menu. * hilite the appropriate line and press e to edit it. This will show a screen of several lines, each one of which can be edited by cursoring to it and pressing e again. * correct the mistake (usually by changing the disk ID to the right one: root (hd2,0) should be root (hd0,0) and hit <Enter>, NOT <Esc> * now you’re back at the 1st screen and you can boot this entry by hitting b * this will NOT write the corrected entry to the disk, so when the system has booted, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and correct the entry in there as well.

After Upgrade remember to test: * mail/mutt * apache - after reboot and remount big partitions * trac/svn - after reboot and remount big partitions * mounting big partitions and map to /boot/grub/device.map * NFS exports, but have to re-read the NFS mounts from BDUC * replace the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file with the working one from backup. X1 works but is at default rez. * java (install Java 6) * can we change fstab to mount the sda/sdb correctly? Can try using blkid to generate the UUIDs for fstab. * check /boot/grub/menu.lst again - changed during install again. Yes, with the current settings it boots as it’s supposed to:

502 $ cat /boot/grub/device.map
(hd0)   /dev/sdc
(hd1)   /dev/sda
(hd2)   /dev/sdb

dmesg finds 3ware 1st (also in BIOS scan) and would guess that 3ware → sda and Areca is sdb

!! THIS IS CORRECT Yes. 3ware / sda → /data when we reboot successfully!! areca / sdb → /bduc boot sdc → /, /home

test after mounts. /data has the BackupPC dir /bduc has apps, Modules dirs

6.3. Clean the nozzles of a HP 5850 inkjet

VERY simple (when it works). Refill the cartridge to just LESS than overflowing (if you fill it full, it will leak). Replace, then run:

$ hp-clean

This will probe the local network to find an HP printer, then initiate the cleaning routine. It primes the cartridge very well, avoiding the need to run 20 pages of paper thru it. Obviously, if you have multiple inkjets on that network, you should specify which one.

hp-clean --help # for help hp-clean -p<printer_name> ie hp-clean -php5850-ok